Glossary entry

română term or phrase:

sarbatori populare romanesti

engleză translation:

Romanian Popular Feasts / Popular Feasts in Romania

Added to glossary by alegna851
Apr 29, 2011 06:33
13 yrs ago
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română term

sarbatori populare romanesti

din română în engleză Artă/Literatură Artă, Arte şi meşteşuguri, Pictură mitologie
Este titlul unei lucrari. Ma intereseaza indeosebi traducerea termenului "sarbatori" in acest context. Avand in vedere faptul ca in lucrare se discuta in principal aspectele precrestine ale sarbatorilor populare romanesti (se axeaza pe traditii de Rusalii, cum ar fi impletirea cununilor, purtarea la brau a ramurilor de tei, etc.), eu am ales sa il redau prin "feast", pentru ca merge si in context crestin si in context pagan (A se vedea definitia sarbatorii Pentecost:, insa as vrea sa fiu sigura. Mi s-a parut ca holy day ma restrictioneaza doar la terenul religios.


Cristina Crişan Apr 30, 2011:
dicţ. Oxford :-) FEAST : an annual religious celebration; a day dedicated to a particular saint: the feast of St John.
FESTIVAL : a day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons: traditional Jewish festivals.

Total neutru ar fi traditional celebrations.
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
Nu e vorba de faptul ca e "primul sens", ci ca atunci cand aud "feast" cei mai multi oameni se gandesc la sensul respectiv.
Ti-am argumentat alegerea mea, dar nu te obliga nimeni sa o accepti. Ai pus o intrebare si eu am raspuns.
alegna851 (asker) Apr 29, 2011:

18:33 [Click here to delete your post] [Click here to edit your post]

Daca "popular" e debatable, pentru ca sunt contexte in care este utilizat si cu acest sens, "festival" nu se potriveste in context. Si nu stiu de ce ti se pare ca primul sens dintr-un dictionar conteaza- conteaza sensul care se potriveste in context. Daca "feast" are drept prim sens "masa imbelsugata" nu insemna ca il excludem pt. ca nu e "sabatoare" primul sens. Nu inteleg argumentul asta cu "primul sens din dictionar".
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
Si popular in merriam-webster:
Definition of POPULAR
: of or relating to the general public
: suitable to the majority: as a : adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority <a popular history of the war> b : suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive <sold at popular prices>
: frequently encountered or widely accepted <a popular theory>
: commonly liked or approved <a very popular girl>
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
Si pt. "popular":



1 liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group:she was one of the most popular girls in the schoolthese cheeses are very popular in Europe
2 [attributive] (of cultural activities or products) intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals:editorials accusing the government of wanting to gag the popular press
(of a belief or attitude) held by the majority of the general public:many adult cats , contrary to popular opinion, dislike milk
3 [attributive] (of political activity) carried on by the people as a whole rather than restricted to politicians or political parties:a popular revolt against colonial rule

Again, nici urma de vreo apropiere le sensul romanesc "din popor"
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
uite definitia lui "festival" conform oxford dictionary:



1 a day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons:traditional Jewish festivals
2 an organized series of concerts, plays, or films, typically one held annually in the same place:a major international festival of song

si pt. "feast":


1 a large meal, typically a celebratory one:a wedding feast
a plentiful supply of something enjoyable:the concert season offers a feast of classical music
2 an annual religious celebration.
a day dedicated to a particular saint:the feast of St John
British an annual village festival.

Asadar, primul sens al lui "feast" e de "masa imbelsugata". De asta spun ca "festival" mi se pare mai potrivit.
alegna851 (asker) Apr 29, 2011:
Hai sa mai incercam o referinta "mai serioasa" despre traditii romanesti. A se obs. utilizarea termenului "popular" (ca nu se refera la religia cea mai "cool"):
alegna851 (asker) Apr 29, 2011:
Si iata si definitia lui "festival", according to the Merriam-Webster:
1 a : a time of celebration marked by special observances b : feast 2
: an often periodic celebration or program of events or entertainment having a specified focus <a daffodil festival> <a Greek festival>
: gaiety, conviviality
See festival defined for English-language learners »
Examples of FESTIVAL

Each year, a festival was held to celebrate the harvest.
The town has a summer festival in the park.

E definit ca form of entertainment si nu in context religios.
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
Ideea e ca asker-ul vrea ca termenul sa imbine si sensul crestin, si cel pagan, dupa cum spune in intrebare. Deci nu se refera doar la "Christian".
Ilona Roberts Apr 29, 2011:
"Christian feasts", nu "festivals"... e o mare diferenta, in opinia mea (iar wikipaedia nu e intotdeauna cea mai buna sursa)
George C. Apr 29, 2011:
aş combina răspunsurile colegelor: traditional feast (days), deşi delimitarea feast/festival nu e strictă. Festival păstrează sensul de sărbătoare (poate de amploare mia mare), iar conform unelor referinţe Crăciunul, Paştele şi Rusaliile ar fi cele 3 mari "festivals" în creştinism
Anca Mitocaru Apr 29, 2011:
a. A large, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons and often accompanied by entertainment; a banquet.
b. A meal that is well prepared and abundantly enjoyed.
2. A periodic religious festival commemorating an event or honoring a god or saint.
3. Something giving great pleasure or satisfaction

Asadar, "feast" ori da de inteles ceva gen "ospat", ori o sarbatoare religioasa. Dupa cum vezi din definitie, e partea religioasa a lui "festival".

Ca sa nu mai spun ca "popular" nu are deloc sensul din romana si in engleza, ci inseamna "widely liked or appreciated". Se intelege din context ca nu e vorba de festival de muzica folk, dar oricum poti folosi "traditional".

Uite mai multe detalii:
A festival is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community and the Festival.
Among many religions, a feast is a set of celebrations in honour of God or gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. However, the term "feast" has also entered common secular parlance as a synonym for any large or elaborate meal.

Cred ca "festival" da mai clar intelesul de "sarbatoare".
alegna851 (asker) Apr 29, 2011:
Nu stiu ce sa zic, dar parca nu mi se pare ok "festival". Din ce gasesc eu ca referinte, "festival" e utilizat pentru a denumi chiar festivale, in genul Hora de la Prislop, etc.
Iata doar un exemplu:
Nu il vad nicaieri utilizat ca denumire a unei sarbatori, ci doar a festivalurilor si manifestarilor de tip non-crestin.

Ca sa nu mai spun ca in combinatie cu termenul "folk", se intelege festival de muzica folk.

Proposed translations

13 minute

Romanian Popular Feasts / Popular Feasts in Romania

ar fi sugestia mea, avand in vedere contextul descris

iata exemple:

"Popular Feasts in Italy"
Peer comment(s):

agree Tradeuro Language Services
1 zi 1 oră
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc."
5 ore

Romanian folk/traditional festivals

n. pl. folk or folks

relating to, originating from, or traditional to the common people of a country a folk song

festival [ˈfɛstɪvəl]
1. a day or period set aside for celebration or feasting, esp one of religious significance
2. any occasion for celebration, esp one which commemorates an anniversary or other significant event

Sper sa te ajute!

Note added at 5 hrs (2011-04-29 12:09:59 GMT)

In facultate am avut un text asemanator si profesorul, de origine britanica, ne-a recomandat sa folosim "festival" tocmai pentru ca imbina ambele sensuri.
Peer comment(s):

agree George C. : scuze, dau din nou agree, cred că festival aici e OK, dincolo de asocierea cu festivalurile folk, oricum contextul ar trebui să fie lămuritor :)
2 ore
:)) multumesc!
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