Powwow Report for United Kingdom - London (Nov 28 2009)

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Report from  Oliver Walter
The first of the resumed London powwows was a successful event. It was at a venue that is new for these events - we all thought it was a good location for a powwow. Of the 23 members who had shown interest in this powwow, only 9 actually came but that was enough to make it worthwhile.
Our guest speaker, Idalina Gomes, was a fellow student with me on the Imperial College technical translation MSc course several years ago. She spoke about some of the "tools" available to the translator, from her experience as a translator and translation manager. Presenting the tools in the order that she described as being from the more restrictive to the less restrictive, she mentioned Wordfast Professional (which has "all the standard things" for a TM application), the new Trados AutoSuggest feature, XTM (from XML International), and Geoworkz.
Talking about the future, she thought that MT (machine translation) is not much better than it was years ago; think of it as a friend that can give suggestions, rather than a tool that will do the translation for you. She mentioned Google Translate in this context, with the same opinion: it's a friend but not a complete translator.
We are all grateful to Idalina for preparing this talk and delivering it to us.
I intend to organise some more Powwows in the coming months. It's not essential to have a talk at each one but it certainly is of interest. If you, or somebody you know, would like to give a talk, please let me know. For powwows without talks I shall probably suggest a topic for members to discuss, which will probably be a topic suggested by members at the previous Powwow. If anybody else would like to be a powwow organiser, feel free to do that.

Photos from  Russell Jones

Photos from  Russell Jones

Photos from  Oliver Walter

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Russell Jones
Oliver Walter
Flo in London
Thomas Pfann
Isabel Teodoro
Renata Forgacs
Dr JM Chen, PhD
caioalexandr (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 30 '09  Russell Jones: Thank you
Thank you Oliver for organising the Powwow and speaker. I enjoyed meeting everyone.
Apologies for the incorrect captions to my photos; it has been a struggle to get them uploaded and approved.
Nov 29 '09  Dr JM Chen, PhD: Thank you!
Thank you Oliver for organising this.

Idalina gave a wonderful informative talk, and I thoroughly enjoyed the lively discussions with all of you. It was the first London Powwow I attended, but hopefully the first of many!

See you again soon!

May Chen
Nov 29 '09  Renata Forgacs: Great powwow!
Thank you Oliver for organising a great powwow at a superb (and quiet!) venue. I really enjoyed it - looking forward to meeting all of you again!
Nov 28 '09  Flo in London: Thanks Oliver
Many thanks for organising this powwow Oliver.

It was great meeting you all and I'm looking forward to our next meeting :-)
