Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 10 '06 esl>eng Sólido, conectando. A lo profundo... y ¡no... nono, nono, no...! ¡Dígale que no Solid crack. Way deep... and... going, going, gone! It's out of the park! easy closed ok
4 Jul 3 '05 eng>esl tee tee easy closed no
- Jun 5 '05 esl>eng clavar la mirada keep your eye on [the ball] easy closed ok
- Dec 29 '04 eng>esl no matter if a swimmer pursues it... no importa si un nadador lo persigue... easy closed no
- Aug 4 '04 esl>eng futbal ganas y pasion soccer: desire and passion easy closed ok
4 Jun 1 '04 por>eng oitavas de final various terms... easy closed no
4 Apr 27 '04 por>eng mais rápido do mundo world's fastest... easy closed ok
4 Apr 16 '04 esl>eng ganador por quinta vez consecutiva winner for the fifth time in a row easy closed no
4 Apr 9 '04 eng>eng would be "in" to bat his team would up to bat after one more out easy closed no
- Dec 22 '03 esl>eng banco de suplentes the bench easy closed ok
- Dec 12 '03 eng>eng need explanation for croquet rules counts as in not having to pass through that wicket again, and you receive an additional stroke. easy closed no
- Dec 2 '03 eng>esl white water rafting rafting aguas blancas; bajar aguas blancas en balsa easy closed ok
4 Aug 19 '03 eng>esl turnover turnover; balón perdido easy closed ok
- Jul 31 '03 eng>esl granny shot tiro de abuelita easy closed ok
- Jul 31 '03 eng>esl dunk the rock clavar el balón easy closed ok
- Jul 31 '03 eng>esl 7-10 split this refers to what is considered toughest shot in bowling, when the 7 and 10 pins are left standing easy closed ok
4 May 19 '03 eng>eng Keough, proper name Key-oh easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '03 esl>eng sudar la camiseta breaks its ass easy closed ok
- Apr 13 '02 esl>eng la gran carpa the big leagues easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered