Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
2 Apr 24 ita>eng Risulta di stato libero is unmarried easy closed ok
4 Aug 27 '16 ita>eng superamento passing easy closed no
- Dec 31 '13 ita>eng il sottoscritto si è occupato I was responsible for easy closed no
- Nov 27 '13 ita>eng è risultato idoneo per l'iscrizione was awarded a place at the university as a result easy just_closed no
4 Nov 27 '13 ita>eng è stato dichiarato idoneo per l'iscrizione was awarded a place at easy closed ok
- Aug 20 '13 ita>eng collaborazione working with easy closed ok
- Oct 19 '11 ita>eng per l'anno accademico for the academic year easy closed ok
- Sep 10 '09 ita>eng Lettera di presentazione letter of presentation easy closed no
- Aug 20 '09 ita>eng GG/MM/AAAA 01/Jan/2009 easy closed no
- Dec 10 '08 ita>eng Materiale promozionale Advertising materials easy closed no
- Sep 29 '08 ita>eng si è laureata in Medicina e Chirurgia was awarded a degree in medicine (and surgery) easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered