Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 10 '17 ita>eng che vi condanno a rimanere! (me,) I damn you to stay easy closed ok
- Dec 7 '17 ita>eng il paesaggio è monotono the scenery never changes easy closed ok
- Dec 5 '17 esl>ita equipos de los flancos macchinari per i fianchi easy just_closed no
4 Dec 5 '17 esl>ita nos lo jugamos todo a una carta puntiamo tutto su un numero secco easy closed ok
- Dec 4 '17 esl>ita semilla de respuesta (intere domande ed) embrioni di risposte easy closed ok
- Dec 4 '17 esl>ita No lloró, aunque ganas no le faltaron riuscendo a contenere una gran voglia di piangere easy closed ok
- Nov 23 '17 eng>ita the rest of the way down finì (...) del tutto easy closed ok
- Nov 23 '17 eng>ita eyes on the water negli occhi solo acqua easy closed ok
- Nov 22 '17 ita>eng del più e del meno (here) (shooting) the breeze easy closed ok
- Nov 10 '17 eng>ita clench my fists tenere i pugni chiusi (e tirare avanti) easy closed no
4 Nov 10 '17 eng>ita everybody else still is tanto lo fanno tutti, sempre easy closed no
- Nov 6 '17 eng>ita pushing me home posso contare su easy closed no
- Nov 6 '17 eng>ita Oil Sands grandi giacimenti easy closed no
- Nov 6 '17 eng>ita a wagon on the back un rimorchio attaccato easy closed no
- Nov 6 '17 eng>ita This ain't it. Non ci siamo. easy closed no
4 Nov 1 '17 eng>ita that's something else nerd features told us in class è un'altra di quelle cose che un secchione come me impara a lezione easy closed no
- Nov 1 '17 eng>ita and rising e sempre peggio easy closed no
- Nov 1 '17 eng>ita All I'm doing is getting a bit of happiness before the end In fondo mi accontento di qualche attimo di felicità prima della fine easy closed no
4 Nov 1 '17 eng>ita Do you think you are by pretendin' they're ok? E voi, allora? Facendo finta di niente? easy closed no
4 Nov 1 '17 eng>ita I've had it workin' for a future Sono stufo/a di lavorare per un futuro easy closed no
4 Oct 30 '17 eng>ita when you give it back to him. quando gli rispondi a tono easy closed no
4 Oct 30 '17 eng>ita I was gettin' a bit feisty myself Stavo cominciando un po' a scaldarmi anch'io easy closed no
- Oct 30 '17 eng>ita You can't believe that stuff. Non credere a quelle storie easy closed no
4 Oct 30 '17 eng>ita It's gonna take to at least Prima (...) non se ne parla easy closed no
4 Oct 16 '17 ita>eng da qui che devo partire this is where I should start from easy closed ok
- Jan 19 '12 eng>ita no charge non saranno un peso per le vostre tasche easy closed ok
- Jan 15 '12 eng>ita make ends meet mettere qualcosa in tavola ogni giorno easy closed no
- Jan 5 '12 eng>ita revered poiché riverivano easy closed no
- Jan 5 '12 eng>ita Answer hidden by answerer easy closed no
4 Jan 5 '12 eng>ita running down estendendosi easy closed no
- Jan 3 '12 eng>ita signature che lo contraddistingueva easy closed no
4 Jan 2 '12 eng>ita this time around nella fattispecie easy closed ok
- Jan 2 '12 eng>ita invoking proponendo easy closed ok
- Jan 1 '12 esl>eng Jóvenes bellezas de la actuación young and beautiful actresses-to-be easy closed ok
- Jan 1 '12 eng>ita irrespective indistintamente easy closed no
4 Jan 1 '12 eng>ita passing round them sempre sfiorati da [un sorriso] easy closed no
4 Jan 1 '12 eng>ita a trifle beyond her own influence appena appena fuori dalla sua portata easy closed ok
4 Jan 1 '12 eng>ita carry a point far valere le proprie ragioni easy closed ok
- Dec 31 '11 eng>ita dislike him provare antipatia nei suoi confronti easy closed no
- Dec 30 '11 eng>ita to build me che innalzi una musica easy closed ok
- Dec 30 '11 eng>ita unless (vedi frase proposta) easy closed no
- Dec 30 '11 eng>ita best price prezzo corrispondente easy closed no
4 Dec 29 '11 eng>ita by way of sulla scia di easy closed ok
- Dec 28 '11 eng>ita incendiary sovversivo easy closed ok
- Dec 28 '11 eng>ita surrounding che coinvolgevano easy closed ok
- Dec 27 '11 eng>ita unforgiving che erano l'antitesi della comodità easy closed ok
- Dec 27 '11 eng>ita traditional concert tradizionali comfort da concerto o da teatro easy closed no
- Dec 27 '11 eng>ita foreboding ricco di presagi easy just_closed no
- Dec 26 '11 eng>eng synonym " they were all making money hand over fist"? relentlessly easy open no
4 Dec 23 '11 eng>ita labours oneri easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered