The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ โบราณคดี Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
a topi moneda melt the coin
atelier de bronzier bronze-smith shop
bolovani de sare mică de barcă lumps of salt per boat/raft
camara (pentru instituţie) Chamber
carbonat netopit unmelted carbonates
căpățână de zahăr Sugar loaf
centenarilor centenarii
centru de greutate center of gravity/mass
CMC carboxymethyl cellulose
colegiu al nautarilor collegium nautarum/ boatmen's union/ shipmaster's association etc
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
crahlura cracklure
crâşmărit tavern keeping
curăţire mecanică uscată dry mechanical cleaning
decoperta topsoil stripping
denar suberat hibrid suberate hybrid denarius
fabrilor of the Fabri, of the collegium fabrum etc.
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
florin renan rhenish florin
jeler cottar
lentile carbonatice carbonate lenses
loton vezi link
majă vezi mai jos
modelat prin presare în tipar bivalv made with bivalve moulds / bivalve moulded
monoxila Single hollowed trunk
morminte de inhumaţie în groapă simplă, în giulgiu. inhumation burial, simple grave, body wrapped in a shroud
paleotehnologie paleotechnology
patină vulgară vile or virulent patina
peliculizare de protectie protective coating
plutarit Rafting
pozitie neanatomica nonanatomical position
prelevare To sample/Take samples
sare de apa salt in brine/ brine
taninare tannic acid application/treatment
tumen tumen
turnarea prin metoda cerii pierdute lost-wax casting
vicejude justice of the peace
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