Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 24 '09 esl>eng preceptividad (the) compulsory/obligatory/mandatory nature of.... pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '09 esl>eng patrimoniabilidad financial status pro closed ok
4 Jan 20 '09 esl>eng contra el auto de el auto de tres de mayo ... [opposition was filed against] the order/injunction/restraint of May 3..... pro closed ok
4 Jan 20 '09 esl>eng Autos de Oposición a las M. Cautelares xxx Defences opposed to the preliminary measures/injunctions/restraints pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '09 esl>eng cualquier procedimiento que invada el ámbito de reivindicaciones any procedure infringing the existing claims on [patent .......] pro closed ok
- Jan 14 '09 esl>eng de tales puertas of such [marketing] tools/instruments pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '09 esl>eng afectar (please read question) [provide a list of patents etc] regarding/existing for this product..... pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '08 esl>eng Ley 34/2002 de 11 Julio de servicios de sociedad de info y comercio electronico Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information sharing services and e-business pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '08 esl>eng la inhibitoria cease and desist order pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '08 esl>eng una manifiesta identidad aplicativa a manifest/unequivocal/obvious similitude of usage/application pro closed no
- Jun 6 '08 esl>eng carecen de la misma consideración a efectos de la comparación and they therefore do not merit the same treatment for comparison purposes pro closed no
4 Jun 5 '08 esl>eng la efectiva concurrencia the actual concurrence/confusion/convergence/similitude/concomitance pro closed ok
3 Jun 1 '08 esl>eng atendiendo a su correcto alcance: ausencia del requisito de fumus boni luris addressing its proper interpretation: the absence of the fumus boni iuris requirement pro closed ok
- May 29 '08 esl>eng impide extender por equivalencia la infracción prevents from applying by analogy [patent] infringement to....... pro closed no
- May 4 '08 esl>eng aspecto negativo que ...comporta so that the prohibiting/denial of registration effects....entailed by pro closed ok
4 May 4 '08 esl>eng frente al que se pretende hacerlo valer against which opposition seeks to prevail pro closed ok
4 May 4 '08 esl>eng desplegar su virtualidad protectora [may] fulfill its protective purpose pro closed ok
- May 4 '08 esl>eng doble valoración on the twofold basis of pro closed ok
- May 4 '08 esl>eng confirmatoria de la de Primera Instancia upholding/sustaining the first instance judgment pro closed ok
4 Apr 1 '08 esl>eng FJ TERCERO [fundamento jurídico tercero] Court Consideration/Opinion Nr. 3 pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '08 esl>eng pleno no jurisdicional non jurisdictional General Council of Justice [see below] pro open no
4 Mar 7 '08 esl>eng Composición de la cubierta composition of coating pro closed ok
4 Mar 5 '08 esl>eng estimacion [the Court hereby rules/agrees] to sustain [the submitted appeal] pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '08 esl>eng unidad de actuación unity of procedure/action/intent pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '08 esl>eng Procedecia del recurso presentado. Concepto de interesado del recurrente, Pertinence of appeal. Qualifications of appellant as interested party. pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '08 esl>eng derechos de anterioridad y de exclusividad priority and exclusivity rights pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 esl>eng parte contraria the opposing party//the contesting party//the other party pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 esl>eng escrito de observaciones written submission of objections pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered