Sur quoi les traducteurs travaillent actuellement

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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?

Mohd Rashid Azhari Musa, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Just completed two translation task totaling 3100 words from En-Malay on behalf of Language Translation.


I Do That

Mohd Rashid Azhari Musa, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Ongoing translation and timecoding of TV series. Have submitted 3 series and expecting more to come. While continuing with sututle QC for educational video


I Do That

Mohd Rashid Azhari Musa, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Translating kids series of 24 mins video


I Do That

Mohd Rashid Azhari Musa, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Ongoing subtitle quality check educational video. First batch submitted on 1 July 2022. Awaiting next batch.


I Do That

  • malais
  • Education / Pedagogy
  • 99% terminés
( modifié)
Mohd Rashid Azhari Musa, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Just finish translating legal document on behalf of Language Translation, Malay - English, 615 words.


I Do That

  • malais vers anglais
  • Law (general)