The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาบัลกาเรีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ รัฐบาล / การเมือง Translation Glossary

ภาษาบัลกาเรีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
Crown Copyright Clearance разрешение за използване на авторско произведение
сто-годишна незряща и подпетена столетница blind and down-at-heel 100-year-old woman
стопанска и спомагателна дейност economic and auxiliary activities
селищно образуване non-residential purpose-built facility or settlement
Entered by: Mark Bossanyi
удържа withstand / hold on / hold [power] / remain [in power]
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
това е категорично погрешно It is absolutely/completely wrong
ф.д. Company File number, company case
чл. 12, ал. 5 от ЗХ article 12, paragraph 5 of the Food Law/Act
работи се по подозрение [The prosecutor works / investigates] on suspicion
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
разсейвам заблуда dispel the misconception/delusion // refute, rebut, disprove the misconception/delusion
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
разпореждане с държавни имоти running/managing state properties
ПЗР transitive and final provisions
РОС Razgrad/Ruse District Court
Сребърният Фонд The Silver Fund
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
беше категоричен председателя stated the chairman adamantly.
в затишие съм, ослушвам се wait for the right moment/occasion; keep quiet, straining ears (to be all ears)
гражданска инвалидност SSD = Social Security Disability
грама cable/telegram
двете агенции са под шапката на министерството both agencies work/are placed under the (umbrella of) the Ministry
десноцентристки right-centrist
декларация за липса на свързаност на лицата arm's length declaration
застраховка фалит insurance against insolvency/bankcruptcy; credit default swap insurance
идеята е в зародиш just a concept
изходно задание Statement of Requirements (SOR) / Terms of Reference
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
извънбюджетна сметка extrabudgetary account
Entered by: emily
изгладен спор с "голямата шкурка" the disagreements were ironed out in a rough manner/ roughly
изпреварваща информация beforehand information / information in advance
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
отнемам мандата withdraw a mandate/strip someone of his/her, take away the mandate (of), unseat, divest of office; to remove from a place or position ; to remove from political office;. to remove or depose from rank or office by legal action or force by a close vote
охлаждане на страстите [political passions/fervor] must be/should be/need to be calmed down/ cooled down/ put to rest
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
обн./обнародван promulgated
правя се на артист take themselves for actors; behave/play like actors;
правят се промени в движение to make changes on the go
прилагащ орган implementing body/authority
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
подводен камък snag
политика, която трябва да се следва policty [guidelines] that must be implemented/followed/adhered to
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
МПО "Вардар" MPO "Vardar"
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
електронен носител на информация ( в лична карта, паспорт) (embedded) electronic chip
ЗИП spare (replacement) parts, tools and accessories
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