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ภาษาละติน เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ ศาสนา Translation Glossary

ภาษาละติน term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
FELICITER REGNANTIS the happily reigning (Supreme Pontiff)
"In principii" versus "in principiati" "principles or causes" vs "effects"
(Artem) Soriplionis scriptionis - in the art of writing
Entered by: Erzsébet Czopyk
alleluia Halleluia = Praise Yahweh
atque (not atoue) Atque (and)
ban. sometimes (Latin: bixit (for "vixit") annos) the years he lived (birth document, etc.)
Entered by: William [Bill] Gray
Baptizatus fruit dominae. He was baptised in the Lord.
cooperator assistant pastor
de lic. Par. with the permission of the parish
De mandato Ill. Mi et Revd. Mi D. Archiepiscopi Coadiutori Concerning the injunction of the Illustrious Master and of Reverend Master Lord Assistant Archbishop
deificatio (here): to make divine/to endow with divinity/to grant divinity
Deus Ex Nihilo God out of nothing
Entered by: Rita Cavaiani
ego sum via veritas et vita I am the way, the truth, and the life
Entered by: Rebecca Garber
fortitudine et prudentia Courage and prudence
Gratias tibi ago, Pater, qui revelasti ea parvulis I thank you, Father, for revealing these things to little ones/children.
H.S.T. Hoc Supremum Tribunal
Entered by: liz askew
ideft that is
imitatio Christi (the) imitation of Christ
imposita sepis sepis, gén. de sepes or of seps
in hoc consistunt amount to this
in miserationibus in [God's] mercy
Entered by: Sandra Mouton
in rationibus aeternis. by the eternal law
In supremae dignitatis specula (papal bull) same text (titles of papal texts are never translated)
litteris dimissoriis Dimissorial letters
melior est finis orationis quam principum Better is the end of a speech than the beginning.
Minister RD XXXX XXXX RD > Reverendus / Reverendissimus Dominus XXXX XXXX
mo. excellentissimo (most excellent)
no. D. no. = Domino
Omnia ad maiorem Dei gloriam everything to the greater glory of God
Entered by: Laura Gentili
Omnia in onum All things work together unto good
Prot. Protocol
Prot. N. 36911/05 CA Sancti Ludovici Iurium Protocol Number
Proximos ama sicut te ipsum Love your neighbours as you love yourself
quoad sacra concerning sacred matters (for sacred matters)
redditio symboli public proclamation of the Creed
repraesento show, present
Servatis a perculum Save Us From Danger
Societas Verbi Divini Society of the Divine Word
sola fide by faith alone
sola scriptura by Scripture alone
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