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ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การเงิน (ทั่วไป) Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
a reveni asupra to reconsider
Entered by: Claudia Coja
Aut. Regl. Regulatory Authority
împrumuturile contractate loans contracted/signed/taken out (by)
în diviziune pe valute broken down by currencies
Expunerea opiniei Statement of Opinion
graficul de realizare a investitiei investment performance chart
mandatul valorilor mobiliare ipotecare mortgage-backed security mandate
retragere withdrawal
se contabilizează plăţile entering the payments ( into the accounting system)
statul ca subiect de drept the State as legal entity
"a trece in conservare" dormant account
Entered by: andreea irimia
"dacă altceva nu este prevăzut" unless otherwise specified/instructed/provided
Entered by: Claudia Coja
a avut castig de cauza the bank won the case/ the court ruled for the bank
a constitui (depozite) open
a depune/elibera din cont deposit/(with)draw into/from a (personal) bank account
a duce evidenta contabila to keep accounting records
a executa obligatiunile to fulfil its obligations without delay
a executa un cec to cash a cheque/check
a face demersuri to take the necessary steps
a fost drenat was drained
a iesi din pozitia de creditor to shift from a net creditor position / to cease being a net creditor
a iesi din recesiune \"...has come out of recession\"
a impulsiona to boost
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
a injecta to infuse
a interveni enter into
a intra in conflict a conflict (of interest) arises/occurs between
a prelua din experienta to rely on smb's experience
a prelua in folosinta to lease for use
a purta o responsabilitate the responsibility belongs to
a ramas consemnata la CEC suma de ... to consign / to deposit (vezi variante)
a rectifica (în sens) pozitiv/negativ un buget adjust the budget upwardly/downwardly
a reflecta operatiunile de casa record cash operations
a se asigura cu to assure the supply of
a tergiversat ieftinirea şi mai rapidă delayed the even faster cheapening
a trece la scăderi to post as a debit
a veni pe filiera (bugetar-fiscala) propagate via the budgetary-fiscal channels
a viza related to / refers to
abaterile condiţiilor meteorologice de la normă abnormal weather conditions
acţiune corporativă corporate stock
acţiunile intentate în instanţa de judecată court actions taken/filed/brought (against banks)
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