The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ อื่นๆ Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
a se moşmondi, a se mocăi to dawdle
legea nu permite a se face tranzacţie. (of which) law does not allow the conclusion of a transaction
"APP cardiovasculare" cardiovascular medical history
"aspect tigrat" striped aspect
"complet radio" radio kit
"dermatita ocra gambiera" calf ochre dermatitis
"lacunarism cerebral" cerebral lacunar state
"plan tarifar" rate plan(s)
"trunchi gambier" tibial-fibular trunk (sau tibial-peroneal trunk )
'la stat se sta' "P" from "Public" sector comes from playing hard rather than working hard
...pensionara limita de varsta conform dosar pensie... Retiree as of June 1
a avea in subordine have authority over, superintend/supervise
a fost incadrat in meseria de was employed as a
A incadra in tipare the fabric is fit onto the patterns
a mâzgăli to scribble, to doodle, to scrawl
a ocupa timpul take up time
a pastra un moment de reculegere in memoria... to keep a moment of silence in memory of ...
a racola recruit illegally
a rotunji to round up / round down
a taia panglica inaugurala to cut the inaugural ribbon
abac abacus
abonament pe mijloace de transport in comun mass transportation (vehicle) pass
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
abonament riveran residents' parking subscriptions
abur de suflare steam blowing
Aceeaşi Mărie cu altă pălărie Same meat, different gravy
Act de constatare damage inspection report
act de donatie deed of donation / deed of gift
admitere în funcţii publice appointment/acceptance into public offices
aer de ardere combustion air
aer de comanda pneumatic control air
AFP vezi explicatie
ajutor-operator tehnica de calcul IT operator assistant
amenajari edilitare urban improvements
anexe (utilitare si gospodaresti) appurtenances
antetezaur outside/front vault area
apartament de protocol corporate housing / corporate apartment
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
argint-viu Quicksilver
armatură de secţionare block valve
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
Asis. dr. ing. Assistant lecturer, Philosofy doctor, Engineer (Assist.lect.Phd.Eng.)
Entered by: Claudia Coja
asistent medical de farmacie Pharmacy assistants
Entered by: Claudia Coja
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