The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ อสังหาริมทรัพย์ Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
...proprietari *tabulari* prin cumparare... registered proprietors (landowners) by conveyance on sale (purchase)
a consimti la intabularea dreptului de proprietate to agree to enter the right of property into the land register
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
accesiune imobiliară artificială ACCESSION
act de partaj voluntar voluntary partition
Adeverinta de aplicare a legii fondului funciar ownership certificate issued according to the Land Law
Ajut. –dac Lump-Sum Social Security Death Benefit
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ansamblu rezidential residential complex
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
apa pluviala rainwater
arabil AS Luceafarul arable land of Luceafarul Sports Academy FC
Entered by: Lara Barnett
asociere in participatiune joint venture
aviz de mediu environmental permit
în seria rangului priority list
Biroul Local de Expertize Local Expertise Office
bloc-turn tower building/tower block
bunuri indisponibilizat(e) frozen (assets)
carte funciara Real Estate Register, Land Register
casa demolabila/renovabila fixer upper
certificat de urbanism Town Planning Certificate
chirias mediu average income tenant
chitanta descarcatoare receipt
cladirile de locuit residential buildings
cleata narrow land area
coeficientul de utilizare a terenului land use coefficient
comunicații inginerești utility systems/networks
Entered by: Mara Cojocaru
conservarea garantiei de buna executie in order to keep of the performance guarantee valid
contract autentic de vanzare actual sales contract /agreement
contract comodat bailment agreement
contract de promisiune de vanzare bilaterala a terenului aferent mutual promissory agreement/contract
copie a dovezii de luare in folosinta definitiva copy of final property transfer/ handover certificate
credit promotoriu real estate/property development loan
cu titlu de drept construire building rights included
devălmăşie joint property
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
documentatia cadastrala de dezmembrare subdivision application
documentatie cadastrala de comasare amalgamation application
drept de preemţiune pre-emption/preemptive right
drum de exploatare unpaved access road/ service road/maintenance road
expert evaluator (real estate) appraiser(Am Eng.) /( property) valuator (Br Eng.)
extras de Carte Funciară Real Estate Register excerpt
fisa de avere office copy entries of the Land Certificate
fondului proprietăţii Imobilelor Building Property Fund
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