Browse links of การศึกษา / อบรมเด็ก glossaries
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Terminology of Vocational Training Policy
CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training |
A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe defining 86 key terms essential to an understanding of VET policy in Europe Downloadable .pdf
The following terms and definitions have been provided to assist you in your exploration of the uses and applications of distance learning and the interactive video network (IVN). Could be helpful for those who deal with Distance Learning problems.
The Freechild Project works to make youth-led social change action more accessible to young people and their adult allies, especially to young people who aren't currently involved, but want to be. This glossary is meant to help break down the language barriers that keep more people from getting active. GLOSSARY: The following is a listing of freq... View more
Special Needs Education/ Sonderp�dagogische F�rderung (Integration)
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education |
Glossary and keywords (Glossar und Schlüsselbegriffe) English Deutsch, (November 2001)
Terms - Behavorial Health Tools
Corphealth -- Innovators in Behavorial Health |
equivalents for universities and schools, including titles, essential school terminology in English. Great source for PL-EN translators. Consistent with TEPIS terminology
Содержащий перевод англо-американских терминов открытого и дистанционного образования, а также другой специфической терминологии образовательных систем англоязычных стран, встречающейся в текстах зарубежных авторов;
E-Learning Woordenboek
E-LearningPlaza |
Iedereen heeft wel iets te zeggen over E-Learning, maar praten we wel dezelfde taal? Om Babylonische spraakverwarring te voorkomen, heeft E-LearningPlaza voor u een lijst van termen en definities samengesteld.
Glossary of Terms Used in French Higher Education
Egide: Centre francais pour l'accueil et les echanges |
Extensive glossary offers good explanations in English.
Definitionen zum Bildundgswesen
Deutscher Bildungsserver |
Glossary on the educational System in the Federal Republic of Germany - E/D/F
Israeli site. Very useful for Internet application environment translations. A feature exists to improve what they do if you find an error in the output.
Le glossaire des sigles utilisés à l'éducation nationale classé par lettre alphabétique
Lexique anglais-francais - Education
L'Universit� d'Orl�ans |
This is a list of French words and educational institutions with their corresponding English translations. Some of the terms are linked to other web pages.
Sosyal Sözlük
Ali Seyyar - Sosyal Siyaset Kürsüsü |
Siyaset, sosyal bilimler ve hukuk alanında birçok Osmanlıca-Türkçe terimin açıklaması, artı İngilizce ve Almanca karşılıkları
Human Resource HR Workplace Dictionary, Definitions, Glossary and Acronyms links for human resources, managers and business owners. This section includes numerous links to web sites that will help you to find the best dictionaries with the definitions and meanings to unique human resource, business management and workplace words, terms... View more
Monolingual German glossary of terms relevant to the German education system
Finnish Prime Minister's Office. |
Huge, 511 pages consisting glossary in pdf file, mainly describing Finnish higher education system. Made according to all conventions of terminological work. Trial version issued on 5.4.2004.
Schulw�rterbuch |
Deutsche und Englische Begriffe rund um die Schule
Book Title: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology: Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education and Giving a Terminology in English, French, Ger... View more
le principal de ce qu'il faut savoir sur la reforme de l'orthographe de 1990.
Educational measurement and testing
Egynyelvű online pedagógiai lexikon / Monolingual online pedagogy lexikon in Hungarian
Afrikaans Education Terms
South African government's Education Department |
Approx 400 words. Presumably fairly authoritative.
Bilingual Curriculum 2005 Word List
The Afrikaans Foundation |
Approx 200 words, in HTML format. Includes common abbreviations. No longer updated. Curriculum 2005 was a national K12 education plan by die South African government.
FH Frankfurt |
Hallo, das habe ich gerade gefunden :-) Hochschulbegriffe Deutsch-Englisch. Gruß Daniela P.S. Hat denn irgend jemand einen link/Glossar/Muster für mich (siehe vorige Frage.....?
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Office of the RS for Education Eurydice Unit Slovenia
Pozwala na wgląd w terminologię używaną na uczelniach w USA
Complete set of astronomic terms and definitions in lithuanian.
This fourth volume of the European Glossary on Education deals with more than 500 national terms used to designate management, monitoring and support staff at all levels of education. In the first section of the Glossary, terms are listed in alphabetical order along with their grammatical variants, the name of the country to which they apply an... View more
Useful site featuring the most common errors in English, an essay by the renowned William Safire, Micahel Quinion's language pages, a Technical Writing Guide, Dr. NAD's Prig Page etc.
UvA-terminologie Vertaalservice
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
De Engelse vertaling van ruim 500 termen en namen die regelmatig binnen de UvA en in het hoger onderwijs gebruikt worden.
Nazwy wiadectw i dyplomów szkół i uczelni
National Science Foundation, USA |
Guide to Terminology in Usage in the Field of Credentials Recognition and Mobility / Guide d'usage terminologique dans le domaine de la mobilité et de la reconnaissance des titres et diplômes
CICIC - Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials |
Centre d'information canadien sur les diplômes internationaux (CICDI) • PDF file. 29 pages. April 2003. Companion to a separate guide for French Canada: The two PDFs are quite distinct from each other since additions, deletions and modific... View more
Extensive glossary of Old Bulgarian words that are preserved in Modern Bulgarian, along side with the Eastern analogies. The source words are not in Cyrilic, thus te user has to be familiar with the Bulgarian. The glossary is an excellent source for students of linguistics as well as reference for scollars of comparative grammar and historians. T... View more
Most complete weather related glossary.