Browse links of การแพทย์ (ทั่วไป) glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and การแพทย์ (ทั่วไป) terms.
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Словарь терминов и определений включает терминологию в соответствии с Законом Республики Казахстан «Об образовании» от 27.07.2007 г. № 319-III (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 09.04.2016 г.), Государственным общеобязательным стандартом послевузовского образования. Раздел 1. Магистратура, Раздел 2. Докторантура, утвержденным постановлен... View more
Энциклопедический словарь медицинских терминов (гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский, 1984–1989), М.: Советская энциклопедия. Систематизированное научно-справочное издание, ок. 60 000 медицинских терминов с этимологическими корнями. Справочные приложения: «Анатомические термины» «Артерии», «Вены», «Кости», «Лимфатические узлы», «Мышцы», «Нервы и другие образо... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Coronavirus English-Russian Dictionary, with appr. 770 terms with extensive explanations in English, related to specifically coronaviruses and generally virology, immunology, microbiology, immunogenetics, public health, epidemiology, etc. Based on Coronavirus: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References. ... View more
Арабско-русский словарь. Баранов Х. К. Более 42 000 словарных статей, несколько тысяч иллюстративных примеров.: под ред. В. А. Костина. – Москва.: Издатель Валерий Костин, 2007 г. – 944 с.
Consult Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, The Chambers Thesaurus (1996) or Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997 edition with amendments).
English-Chinese Medical Dictionary / Glossary
Dr Wong Kia Boon (Singapore) |
This site, existent since 2001, has recently been revamped in 2016. Unique features: - Quadri-directional search using either English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or Pinyin (all other forms displayed by entering any 1 of the above) - Predictive / suggestive search feature with autocomplete options (AJAX live search) - Medical terms... View more
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь
Кибиров Ш., Цунвазо Ю. Илиев А., Дельцова Э., Молотов З., Айнабеков Т., Садвакасов Г. |
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь. Использованные источники -
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy
German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies |
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy. More than 2 000 entries in each language combination.
«Уфологический словарь-справочник Ярослав Сочки» составлялся в период с 1998 по 2004 год, в нем описано свыше 1000 терминов из различных аспектов уфологии (наука об НЛО — неопознанных летающих объектах). Автор-составитель (проблему НЛО изучает с 1989 года) преследовал цель описать и упомянуть практически все ходовые термины и словосочетания из уфол... View more
Финско-русский словарь
Пользователи |
Финско-русский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Русско-финский словарь
Пользователи |
Русско-финский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Wellness-Interaktiv GmbH |
Ausführliches Lexikon zu verschiedenen Wellnessthemen
Herb names
Asian Anti-Cancer Materia Resource |
Among others, list of herb names with Chinese names in Pinyin and characters
DICTIONNAIRE PRATIQUE DE LA SANTé français-anglais-allemand-espagnol |
à partir de la page 15, un dictionnaire de médecine en 4 langues: de français vers anglais + allemand + espagnol
A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
مجمع اللغة العربية بالقاهرة
Academy of the Arabic language |
Academy of the Arabic language is the Egyptian official institute. It offers several online dictionaries covering specific fields. The site offers also a dictionary for Quoranic terminologies
Términos de alcohol y drogas
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo de España (basado en edición de la OMS) |
Definición de términos de alcohol y drogas, en español, con términos correspondientes en inglés.
medical terms
MedicineNet, Inc |
About Us MedicineNet, Inc. - Owned and Operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. Since 1996, has had a highly accom... View more
Glossario medico
ASL 3 Torino - Italy |
Glossario Italiano italiano dei termini medici e della salute. Il dizionario medico spiega, in maniera semplice, il significato di queste parole, spesso utilizzate nei foglietti dei medicinali, nella documentazione medica in generale ed in questo Portale della Salute.
Repertorio de siglas, acrónimos, abreviaturas y símbolos ofrecido por la asociación de traductores y redactores médicos Tremédica.
Sanitary glossary
Ufficio federale della sanità pubblica Svizzera |
Glossary related to health and sanitary system in foru language. By Federal Office of Public Health - Switzerland
Microbiology Glossary
University of Waterloo |
Contains explanations of different terms of Microbiology
Online medicine dictionary
mijnwoordenboek |
General medical vocabulary
English list of types of radiological scanning equipment. PDF, downloadable.
A-Z of terms useful for translating Diabetes-related medical documents.
Glossario monolingua di neonatologia
List of medical acronyms
Nanotechnology In Cancer
National Cancer Institute |
EN alphabetical and searchable glossary of terms describing nanotechnology used in the diagnosis and treatment of Cancer.
Medical terms can be searched in this complete dictionary. Monolingual English explanations.
Alphabetical search for meaning of English terms commonly used in Medical Research (I'm not a member, but have noticed a shortage of this type of glossary on the ProZ website). Hope its' ok to submit them.
Medical Laboratory Tests online
Labtests Online |
Medical Laboratory Tests and their interpretation. 6 European languages: explains things like blood and urine tests, gives units used and normal ranges.
Ralf Rebmann |
Liste von deutschen und lateinischen Giftpflanzennamen, nach deutschen Namen geordnet, mit Erklärungen
This dictionary aims to provide a one-stop source of information about all medical and scientific terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. This dictionary includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, pro... View more
Dictionnaire médical en ligne |,...
dictionnaire des termes médicaux avec définitions en français
The homepage contains several dictionaries related to engineering, economics, linguistic and natural science. All bilingual dictionaries are either in English and Slovenian or German and Slovenian. Other languages are not provided. The Dictionaries on are published as Portable Document Format (pdf) files. To open and... View more
Glossary of Clinical Trials English-German
German Language Division of the ATA /conference publications |
Glossary of clinical trial terms incl. definitions plus German translation