Translation Glossaries from the Web

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Dieses Glossar enthält wissenswerte Terminologie über die griechische Kunstgeschichte.

ภาษาเยอรมัน (Monolingual)

Greek and Roman Mythology Glossary

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)

«Ce lexique a pour ambition de présenter les termes sanskrits principaux nécessaires à la compréhension du vocabulaire philosophique, religieux et mythologique de la tradition indienne, aussi bien bouddhiste qu’hindouiste, ainsi que certains termes spécialisés utilisés en iconographie et en linguistique. Par transitivité, on donne les racines ex... View more


The Dictionary contains illustrated explanations of names, technical terms, and other vocabulary relating to Greek history, myth, geography, art and architecture. It is constantly being updated and expanded.

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)

Tout l'argot des banlieues (1236 mots, 150 expressions)

Aujourd'hui la zone, pour beaucoup, est synonyme de ghetto, de violence, de jeunesse inculte et agressive, de rap et d'immigration. Au travers de son langage emprunté à l'argot classique, au verlan et diverses dialectes (européens, africains, antillais,…) la zone tente de s'inventer... View more

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส (Monolingual)

An illustrated glossary of symbols relating to religion, magick, mysticism, mythology and the occult. Hundreds of symbols, glyphs, signs and emblems illustrated and defined.

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)
ภาษาเติร์ค (Monolingual)

An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology

Elizabeth Wallis Kraemer, Assistant Professor (Library at Oakland University, Rochester, MI) |

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)

Turkish monolingual source on Greek mythology; consist of 2 sections, one with summaries of mythological stories, the other a genealogy of deities with links to relevant stories. Useful source for transliteration problems in this field, as well.

ภาษาเติร์ค (Monolingual)
ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)

Info on all major Western art movements; search feature by artist, artwork, location; links to art sites and websites of museums worldwide; plus 3 glossaries: fine arts terms, greek and roman mythology, christian saints. Handy for getting to quick info & facts on artists and art history.

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)

This new electronic dictionary features over 30,000 entries and an array of multimedia, including spoken pronunciations, animations, and colorful illustrations. The unique Word Explorer allows browsing by topic, and hyperlinked synonyms help students find exactly the right word

ภาษาอังกฤษ (Monolingual)
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