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Auteur du fil: Fang Ke
Fang Ke
Fang Ke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
Apr 26, 2008

Hi Colleagues,
I’m moderately experienced in translation, new to freelancing, was contemplating whether or not to go straight for the international market. Self-evaluating one’s abilities and weaknesses is inescapably biased, I therefore look forward to some comments and opinions from you. Here is the translation:

At the sea shore you pick up a pebble, fashioned after a law of nature, in the exact form that best resists pressure, and worn as smooth as gla
... See more
Hi Colleagues,
I’m moderately experienced in translation, new to freelancing, was contemplating whether or not to go straight for the international market. Self-evaluating one’s abilities and weaknesses is inescapably biased, I therefore look forward to some comments and opinions from you. Here is the translation:

At the sea shore you pick up a pebble, fashioned after a law of nature, in the exact form that best resists pressure, and worn as smooth as glass. It is so perfect that you take it as a keepsake. But could you know its history from the time when a rough fragment of rock fell from the overhanging cliff into the sea, to be taken possession of by the under currents, and dragged from one ocean to another, perhaps around the world, for a hundred years, until in reduced and perfect form it was cast upon the beach as you find it, you would have a fit illustration of what many principles, now in familiar use, have endured, thus tried, tortured and fashioned during the ages. We stand by the river and admire the great body of water flowing so sweetly on; could you trace it back to its source, you might find a mere rivulet, but meandering on, joined by other streams and by secret springs, and fed by the rains and dews of heaven, it gathers volume and force, makes its way through the gorges of the mountains, plows, widens and deepens its channel through the provinces, and attains its present majesty. Thus it is that our truest systems of science had small beginnings, gradual and countless contributions, and finally took their place in use, as each of you, from helpless childhood and feeble boyhood, has grown to your present strength and maturity. No such system could be born in a day. It was not as when nature in fitful pulsations of her strength suddenly lifted the land into mountain ranges, but rather, as with small accretions, gathered in during countless years, she builds her islands in the seas.


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
谈一谈我的意见 Apr 26, 2008

我看翻得不错. 基本意思都翻出来了. 这段英文一句套一句, 一气呵成. 翻成中文断句不易. 断得不好, 意思很容易就变了. 所以你翻得挺好.

有些地方中文用词 以及 句子的连贯性 还是有改善的余地的, 但每人有每人的 语言喜好, 所以我认为没有必要多加评论.

有个别的地方值得探讨, 我稍提一下我的意见 ...

* fashioned after a law of nature ... 是按照一�
... See more
我看翻得不错. 基本意思都翻出来了. 这段英文一句套一句, 一气呵成. 翻成中文断句不易. 断得不好, 意思很容易就变了. 所以你翻得挺好.

有些地方中文用词 以及 句子的连贯性 还是有改善的余地的, 但每人有每人的 语言喜好, 所以我认为没有必要多加评论.

有个别的地方值得探讨, 我稍提一下我的意见 ...

* fashioned after a law of nature ... 是按照一自然规律塑造而成的

Keep in mind the central theme of the original speech was about Common Law. So I think you want to stress the "law" aspect of the text, instead of completely ignoring it.

* But could you know its history from the time ... 历史

Somewhere in there I think you need to fit the word history in that sentence, I know it's not easily done because of the length of the sentence. Again IMO it is crucial to the main theme

* dragged from one ocean to another ... use 冲刷 or something else instead of 漂

* reduced and perfect form ... 与题有关, 精炼完美的意思 needs to be translated

* what many principles, now in familiar use, have endured, thus tried, tortured and fashioned during the ages ... "have endured" is a past participle, and so are "tried, tortured, and fashioned". All four words are active verbs, not passive. I'm not sure all the Chinese terms you selected reflect this. 我觉得最好不要把四个词混起来翻, 甚至落掉一个. 我还认为现有的选词也可再加以推敲. 考虑到这几个词都是和中心意思直接有关的, 最好翻译准确.

* as each of you, from helpless childhood and feeble boyhood, has grown to your present strength and maturity ... 我认为将次序颠倒并不好, 作者想达到的比喻效果反而不突出

* It was not as when nature in fitful pulsations of her strength suddenly lifted the land into mountain ranges ... "It" at the beginning of the sentence doesn't refer to 它 per se

* 没有类似的 体系能够一日之内突然生成 ... 不太像中文, 可再考虑

* as with small accretions ... "累积增长" 的意思 应翻出来, 比如 日积月累、积少成多 等 again important to the overall message

All in all, it's a good translation. But as I mentioned, there are some places where the "law" or "priniciple" aspect could be better emphasized to impress upon the reader of the central theme. IMO not all words are created equal in a piece of text. By inadvertently dropping some important words just to make the target text read more fluently is not a very good approach IMO.

I think that is a commonly seen flaw in some translations - not being able to grasp or convey the essence of a piece of original text effectively. By the way, I'm just sharing my opinion on translation work I've seen in general. By no means is this a criticism of your translation. I really think yours is one of the better examples of being able to get the important ideas of a relatively difficult text across. IMHO that ought to be the most important role of translation as a profession.

[Edited at 2008-04-27 00:19]

Angus Woo
Angus Woo
Local time: 03:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
這叫軟文, 此風一開, 自然仿效者眾 Apr 27, 2008

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. kudoz 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

Fang Ke
Fang Ke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
Interestingly most of the points you raised happen to be what I’ve given extra deliberation to, Apr 27, 2008

with the translations either results of preference or compromise.

* fashioned after a law of nature ... 是按照一自然规律塑造而成的

Keep in mind the central theme of the original speech was about Common Law. So I think you want to stress the "law" aspect of the text, instead of completely ignoring it.

I agree, the “law” aspect is better to be made more explicit.

* But could you know its history from the time ... 历史

Somewhere in there I think you need to fit the word history in that sentence, I know it's not easily done because of the length of the sentence. Again IMO it is crucial to the main theme

Yes part of the reason for the omission is to avoid possible syntactical clumsiness. But IMO although the word "history" is pivotal in structuring the original English sentence it carries no particular weight semantically. All those clauses that follow the word are already obvious illustrations of a long history of natural happenings shaping things, with the translation ”当初"marking the beginning. And besides, there is an abundance of other words and phrases in the rest of the narrative that are clearly talking about history.

* reduced and perfect form ... 与题有关, 精炼完美的意思 needs to be translated

reduced 描述的是石头被长久“冲击磨蚀”的结果吧?“圆滑”一词可能不足以传达"reducing" 这个过程的意思,一时找不到更好的替代,凑合用了。

* what many principles, now in familiar use, have endured, thus tried, tortured and fashioned during the ages ... "have endured" is a past participle, and so are "tried, tortured, and fashioned". All four words are active verbs, not passive. I'm not sure all the Chinese terms you selected reflect this. 我觉得最好不要把四个词混起来翻, 甚至落掉一个. 我还认为现有的选词也可再加以推敲. 考虑到这几个词都是和中心意思直接有关的, 最好翻译准确.

"have endured”一语我用“经历了”一笔带过了。不过意思是有些被弱化,但我感觉后面的"tried, tortured, and fashioned”差不多能弥补这一弱化,另外这三个词语法上虽应做主动解,但综观整句和全文,我认为它们是指"laws and principles" 被tried(试用考验), tortured(滥用曲解),fashioned(修正改造)的过程。

* It was not as when nature in fitful pulsations of her strength suddenly lifted the land into mountain ranges ... "It" at the beginning of the sentence doesn't refer to 它 per se


此类文本10个人翻译估计会有10种非常不同的结果,我感兴趣的不仅是别人如何翻得更好,也包括风格上如何不同。I believe seeing some different opinions makes one more open and flexible, which helps enhance and refine one's skills. Thanks a lot for your comments.

[Edited at 2008-04-27 07:17]

Fang Ke
Fang Ke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
补充几点: Apr 27, 2008

* dragged from one ocean to another ... use 冲刷 or something else instead of 漂


* as each of you, from helpless childhood and feeble boyhood, has grown to your present strength and maturity ... 我认为将次序颠倒并不好, 作者想达到的比喻效果反而不突出


* 没有类似的 体系能够一日之内突然生成 ... 不太像中文, 可再考虑

是有一点夹生,there's got to be a better way.

* as with small accretions ... "累积增长" 的意思 应翻出来, 比如 日积月累、积少成多 等 again important to the overall message

As a matter of fact, islands could be the accumulated results of 地下物质的挪移, or sediments dropping on sea floors 的日积月累, the original speaker most probably meant the latter. It's just that I like 缓步挪移, both as a stand-alone expression and as a part of the symmetrical structure of the last sentence. Yes it's not factually faithful, but I feel adequate to convey whatever the speaker wanted to convey. So it's a bit of adaptation, I surely wish it does not come across as blatant rewriting.

What I am doing here is elucidating my reasoning, it's not meant to be rationalization or justification of any of my translations.

[Edited at 2008-04-27 11:03]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
在这里表现一下具体的翻译功夫 Apr 27, 2008




Angus Woo wrote:

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. kudoz 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

Fang Ke
Fang Ke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
回Wenjer和Angus Apr 28, 2008



這叫軟文, 此風一開, 自然仿效者眾

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. KudoZ 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

You're right I am not completely free of ulterior motive, if that means I would be glad if some potential client happen upon this post and has affirmative opinion on my translation.

Perhaps I am as sensitive as you, but I ventured a bit. Now I am not sure if I shall feel guilty.

Angus Woo
Angus Woo
Local time: 03:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
要想做的就不難 Apr 28, 2008

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:




Angus Woo wrote:

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. kudoz 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.


譯文比賽就是用的這個方式, 是現成的.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
Demonstrating one's skills Apr 28, 2008

fang ke wrote:

You're right I am not completely free of ulterior motive, if that means I would be glad if some potential client happen upon this post and has affirmative opinion on my translation.

Perhaps I am as sensitive as you, but I ventured a bit. Now I am not sure if I shall feel guilty.

fang ke,

I agree with Angus that there are probably better ways to showcase your language skills rather than using a soft advertising approach.

Anyway, I wish you well in breaking into the freelance translation market. Good luck.

[Edited at 2008-04-28 12:59]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:05
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
谁乱吹你就乱听好了 Apr 28, 2008

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


对于那种喜欢吹嘘价格的人,就要像 Tingting 所说那样,谁乱吹你就乱听好了,没有必要太把它当回事。记得曾有人一再在此声称,他的价格是0.25 欧元/word以上,可后来却又说$0.07/word的项目他也干。于是让人一头雾水,不知他的价格和实力究竟如何。 后来,看了此君两次参赛的译文,总算对此君的实力有了比较实际的了解。

[Edited at 2008-04-28 23:56]

Angus Woo
Angus Woo
Local time: 03:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
Crossing the line. Apr 29, 2008

fang ke wrote:



這叫軟文, 此風一開, 自然仿效者眾

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. KudoZ 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

You're right I am not completely free of ulterior motive, if that means I would be glad if some potential client happen upon this post and has affirmative opinion on my translation.

Perhaps I am as sensitive as you, but I ventured a bit. Now I am not sure if I shall feel guilty.

IMO, this place is not for private ad.

Also, please pay more attention to your own words, for your English may not be as good as you think.

You can put up a few nice words in your own profile if you wish. But if you try to privatize this place to your own advantage, you are actually infringing on the rights of other members. There are a lot of smart colleagues here, but not many of them would try to cross the line.

If you are indeed as sensitive as you claim, then please try to put yourself into other people's shoes and play a fair game.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with it if you are trying to promote your own business, and you don't need to be ashamed of it. But by giving it a good name or disguising the genuine purpose, you are actually being manipulative which I believe in many people's eyes is not a merit if not immoral.

Fang Ke
Fang Ke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
anglais vers chinois
我辩解一下 Apr 30, 2008

Angus Woo wrote:

fang ke wrote:



這叫軟文, 此風一開, 自然仿效者眾

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. KudoZ 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

You're right I am not completely free of ulterior motive, if that means I would be glad if some potential client happen upon this post and has affirmative opinion on my translation.

Perhaps I am as sensitive as you, but I ventured a bit. Now I am not sure if I shall feel guilty.

IMO, this place is not for private ad.

Also, please pay more attention to your own words, for your English may not be as good as you think.

You can put up a few nice words in your own profile if you wish. But if you try to privatize this place to your own advantage, you are actually infringing on the rights of other members. There are a lot of smart colleagues here, but not many of them would try to cross the line.

If you are indeed as sensitive as you claim, then please try to put yourself into other people's shoes and play a fair game.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with it if you are trying to promote your own business, and you don't need to be ashamed of it. But by giving it a good name or disguising the genuine purpose, you are actually being manipulative which I believe in many people's eyes is not a merit if not immoral.




[Edited at 2008-04-30 07:40]

[Edited at 2008-04-30 09:16]

Angus Woo
Angus Woo
Local time: 03:05
chinois vers anglais
+ ...
不必道歉, 只是大家都沒有借公共地方進行個人宣傳, 也就請注意 Apr 30, 2008

fang ke wrote:

Angus Woo wrote:

fang ke wrote:



這叫軟文, 此風一開, 自然仿效者眾

這樣的發言容易與軟性廣告相連, 如果人人如此, 則本論壇的風氣將有越來越重的商業味道, 有私利則不利於公正平和相處.

IMO, 如真有疑問似乎應該去kudoz, 在那裡得到認可.

其實我早就有一個想法, 就是在kudoz上引入匿名程序, 在答案沒有被確定之前, 將所有回答問題的人身分遮蔽, 以求從程序上保證更加公允, 不受個人喜好喜好影響. KudoZ 其本質類似譯文比賽, 只是短些, 而比賽就應該按照比賽的方式進行.

You're right I am not completely free of ulterior motive, if that means I would be glad if some potential client happen upon this post and has affirmative opinion on my translation.

Perhaps I am as sensitive as you, but I ventured a bit. Now I am not sure if I shall feel guilty.

IMO, this place is not for private ad.

Also, please pay more attention to your own words, for your English may not be as good as you think.

You can put up a few nice words in your own profile if you wish. But if you try to privatize this place to your own advantage, you are actually infringing on the rights of other members. There are a lot of smart colleagues here, but not many of them would try to cross the line.

If you are indeed as sensitive as you claim, then please try to put yourself into other people's shoes and play a fair game.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with it if you are trying to promote your own business, and you don't need to be ashamed of it. But by giving it a good name or disguising the genuine purpose, you are actually being manipulative which I believe in many people's eyes is not a merit if not immoral.




廣告沒有錯, 僅僅是地方不合適而已. 公共地方進行私人推廣, 不太好, 似乎對其他人不公平.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:05
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
我支持一下fang ke Apr 30, 2008

我个人认为fang ke将自己的译文贴在这里供大家评论,并没有什么不妥,也算不上什么软性广告。以前也曾有一些翻译同仁采取过同样的做法,引起了热烈的讨论,使参与者都从中获益。因此,我个人认为对这种做法反而应该鼓励。要说软性广告,以前曾有人利用此论坛以什么市场观察的名义,连篇累牍地宣传自己的商业运作模式,宣传自己如何以“高价”聘用翻译等等,那才�... See more
我个人认为fang ke将自己的译文贴在这里供大家评论,并没有什么不妥,也算不上什么软性广告。以前也曾有一些翻译同仁采取过同样的做法,引起了热烈的讨论,使参与者都从中获益。因此,我个人认为对这种做法反而应该鼓励。要说软性广告,以前曾有人利用此论坛以什么市场观察的名义,连篇累牍地宣传自己的商业运作模式,宣传自己如何以“高价”聘用翻译等等,那才是十分露骨的广告。下面是ProZ.com关于forum范围的说明,谨供参考:

• 13. What types of things can be posted?

The forums are provided for discussions related to the fields of translation and interpretation, to, or to the community. They are not provided for other purposes. A more complete definition of the scope of the forums is posted here.

Forum rule 11 states that the forums should not be used to post issues that have dedicated areas in the site. In particular:
• Terminology help belongs in the KudoZ area
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In case of doubt, please submit a Support ticket or contact the moderator

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:05
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
一点建议 Apr 30, 2008

fang ke wrote:

wherestip wrote:

* 没有类似的体系能够一日之内突然生成 ... 不太像中文, 可再考虑

是有一点夹生,there's got to be a better way.

Steve 在上面提出了一些很好的意见。对于这类作品的翻译,我是个外行,仅提出一点建议,供参考。

"No such system could be born in a day” 这句话与 "Rome was not built in one day” 十分类似。因此,把这句话译成“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”如何?与上下文连贯起来,应足以说明问题,故可译得灵活一些。

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Trados Studio 2022 Freelance
The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.

Designed with your feedback in mind, Trados Studio 2022 delivers an unrivalled, powerful desktop and cloud solution, empowering you to work in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

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