Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?

Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished transcreating some ads for a French food retailer's organic lines, in between translating the up-coming Makay, Madagascar, exhibition for Lyon's Musée des Confluences. Next up are some texts about precious stones for a luxury French jewellery Maison.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Email received from a project manager today: "CONGRATULATIONS, Helene, the client liked your test the best! They said 'We all unanimously loved this latest round of work, particularly the writing of copywriter A. It’s exactly what we are looking for.’ (You are copywriter A ☺)". So now I’m tasked with creating a unique voice for the brand new watch and jewellery website of an Irish retail company that specialises in both luxury and mid-market. More topically, I recently transcreated the speech given by the French Rugby Association president at the World Cup handover ceremony between Japan 2019 and France 2023. Also translated some in-depth feature articles about sniffer dogs and recherché Chinese teas for a specialist magazine dedicated to scent and the sense of smell, much read by fragrance and perfumery industry professionals.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

This late summer I’ve been kept busy transcreating an ad campaign for a specialist toothpaste; crafting catchy claims for new high-end makeup products; translating an in-depth interview with a perfumer and writing subtitles for the arty video launching his latest scent; translating in-house training materials for a famous Champagne house; and translating a press release to launch the new perfume from a big-name fashion and fragrance house.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just transcreated a Christmas song into a rallying cry for fans of a specific cereal bar. Am mulling over whether to accept the offer to translate an environmental activist's biography. Meanwhile, translated several texts about future foods: insect protein, lab-grown meat, etc, in amongst my usual cosmetics- and fragrance-related marketing translations and ad transcreations...


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

This month involved working in a team to come up with English names and hooklines for about-to-launch professional makeup products; transcreating B2B ads and expo panels for a bakery industry brand; devising the Christmas ad strapline for an international delivery service; translating press releases for art exhibitions, fragrances, Swiss watches, and a Parisian ‘Palace’ hotel; translating a sales training brochure for the sales advisors of a premium-brand fragrance house; and translating Christmas texts for the Vaucluse Provence tourism website.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Translating updates for the Vaucluse Provence Attractivité newsletter - this economic development & tourism promotion agency (for the Vaucluse département in France) awarded me a 3-year contract for all their translation into English - brochures, websites, etc. Also translating a lovely range of editorial booklets for a high-end fragrance industry player about the perfumery ingredients produced in countries around the world.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to translate a beautifully designed Annual Report for a multinational in the food industry. Just finished a set of articles about the keynote speakers for a big international forum about 'meaning' in the modern world. Recently revised a batch of funky knitting instructions for young knitting novices. And just finished translating the catalogue for an upmarket outdoor lighting designer.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just won a contract to do all translations for the Musée des Confluences' major exhibitions for the next three years! Lovely job.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Translating Tuareg poetry from French to English, among other challenges, for an upcoming exhibition on Tuareg culture for the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. Also proofing the English-language website of a Danish furniture company that manufactures 20th-century Danish design classics.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Recently finished compiling and writing in-depth guides for English-speaking visitors to a number of villages in Provence; translated the opening speeches for an international conference in Canada; translated press releases for promotional events at a major Paris car showroom; transcreated publicity materials for a big-brand fragrance launch; and am currently transcreating the website for a leading upscale Paris hotel.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Recent jobs: in-house manual for engineers on using social media; induction manual (intro to the corporate culture) for new joiners at an international consulting firm; copywriting descriptions of luxury accessories for an e-commerce site; translating poems by François Jacquemin to be incorporated into a funky new HQ building for a biotech company in Belgium.


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Helene Tammik, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a slogan for a fragrance and a press release for a new skincare combo, now it's on to a brochure about green initiatives in Paris. My main current job is translating the wall panels and display texts for an up-coming exhibition on the Lumière brothers at Lyon's Musée des Confluences.


I Do That

ответил с ProZ.com в 11:40 Mar 9, 2017:

Wow ! Et dire que je n'ai pas encore visité le Musée des Confluences alors que je n'habite pas si loin... Peut-être l'occasion de me motiver ! Ca fait toujours plaisir de voir le nom d'un confrère/d'une consœur mentionné quand on visite une expo :)

ответил с ProZ.com в 12:27 Jun 11, 2017:

Merci Sophie - l'expo ouvre la semaine prochaine et ça à l'air vraiment impressionant!