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ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ กฎหมาย: สัญญา Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
statut validé with approved status (legally certified/permitted)
stipulant pour elle et en son nom personnel stipulating on her own behalf and in her own name
stipulation pour autrui stipulation on behalf on third parties
stipulation pour autrui parfaite "perfect" third-party contract / third-party contract where the beneficiary accepts claim
Structure Contractante contracting organization
Entered by: EirTranslations
Subrogé de plein droit Automatically subrogated TO s.o. IN the latter's rights etc.
subroger to subrogate
substituée aux bénéfices et charges will take over the profits and charges
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
Substitution dans le bénéfice Assignment of the benefit; subrogation in
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
successeur heir, successor
successible prospective inheritor/remainderman
succession-partage willed estate distribution
suivi du contrat contract management
Entered by: Huw Watkins
suivi; avis d'expédition order tracking; despatch advice / advice of despatch / despatch OR shipping notification / despatch note
superficiaire superficiary
Entered by: Neil Rear
support media
Entered by: Kpy
supporter l'ensemble des frais, droits et taxes All costs, fees and taxes shall be paid by the Purchaser
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
Sur base du mode d’expédition Depending on how the goods are delivered/dispatched
sur justificatifs on the basis of receipts / on the basis of actual expenditure
sur l'assiette for/in respect of the site of
sur la gestion 2010 for 2010
sur signalement Upon notice
sur une base paritaire \"representative membership\"
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
sur une durée égale for the same duration
Surface Utile Tolérée de l'Ouvrage (SUTO) Tolerance range for usable floor area
survie severance/severability clause
Survie Survival of certain provisions / certain clauses
survivance survival of clauses
sus-qualifié as referenced above
susceptible d’être mise en œuvre en justice likely to be enforced by a court
Entered by: EirTranslations
suspension ou arrêt du contrat suspend or rescind the lease
suspension provisoire des poursuites suspension or stay of proceedings
synthèse globale comprehensive report
s\'engagent à ce que undertake to ensure that
tableau de surface floor area schedule
tableau des charges annuelles provisionnelles table of provisional annual charges / outgoings
tant a titre dedit qu'acompte et a valoir as a deposit that will be deducted
Entered by: Mark Nathan
tant qu'il ne lui aura pas été passé de marché until he has been officially awarded the contract
tarif du responsabilite standard/basic reimbursement rate for state-funded medical services
tarifs options rates / tariffs for optional add-ons
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