The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การทหาร / ป้องกันประเทศ Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
"redecouvert" Discovered again/found again/Dug up
équipage de chasse fighter crews
dessertissage unseating / being pushed out
rapatriement de charge insourcing of work/effort/workload
situés à l’extérieur du module situated/located outside the module
soldatesque à demeure the constant presence of soldiers
Entered by: Philippa Smith
y prennent successivement un point d’appui both sides took turns making use of the park as a staging area
(sceller la) charte des traditions (enshrine) the codes and traditions
2 carrés de front two squares in front/ two forward-marching squares
a caractere social community oriented
aéronaval naval air defence
aéroterrestre AIR-GROUND DEFENCE
Accrédité confidentiel défense et OTAN Ministry of Defence and NATO Confidential Security Clearance
acteur majeur de défense au service is a major defence supplier to
adjoint soutien interarmées Joint support assistant chief of staff
alluvien alluvial
apte d'office (automatically) deemed fit for service
argumentaire argument (with respect to media relations)
arme à grenailles cartridge-firing handgun
arme dite de jardin garden gun
arme montée en gisement weapon on traverse mounting
arme perfectionnée modern firearm
Armes battantes. At the ready
armes d'usage exclusivement policier weapons for law enforcement only
armes en coupe weapons in cross-section
Entered by: Carmy Tutino
arrêt logique moteur electronic engine shutdown
AT agent de transmission - bodyguard
atelier des transmissions communications repair workshop
attente strategique strategic waiting period, strategic lying in wait
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
autonome autocannon / automatic cannon
Autorité Organique Organizational Authority
axe de retenue (underwater speargun) retaining or holding pin
à bras franc point shooting / one-handed shooting
à géométrie variable variable geometry
âme interne core
élève gradé cadet non-commissioned officer
élémentaire conducteur de chien elementary/basic certificate in dog handling skills
établissement classifié Confidentiel Défense, Etablissement à Régime Restrictif is classified by the defence ministry and NATO as a restricted area
état-major Chief of Staff
État-Major Particulier Personal (military) staff of the President
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