The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การทหาร / ป้องกันประเทศ Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
mecbo engineer
militaires en armes armed soldiers/troops bearing arms
mines anti-personnelles Anti-Personnel Mines
Entered by: Diana Donzelli-Gaudet
mobilier furniture
mode maitrisé non-emergency mode
Entered by: Neil Rear
mode urgent emergency mode
Entered by: Neil Rear
Moyen Optronique en Infrastructure (MOI) Infrastructure optronic means
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
munitions sous-calibrées subcaliber ammunition
niches à munitions ammunition recess or cache
niveau composant component level
No. Mle (matricule) au recruitement recruitment roll number
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
notice verte field/combat manual
Officier de marque Integrated Project Team Leader
officier informateur information officer/liaison officer
on peut tenir un siège contre resist/withstand an enemy siege
palmeurs de combat combat divers
panneaux a volant wheel-operated hatch
panorama de tir panoramic sight
paquetages et musettes de vie personal kit and day packs
Pare-lame wave-breaker
Pastille radius
Entered by: merlrennes
percuté struck position
pièce maîtresse crux/focal point/focus/centrepiece
piégeage et minage booby-trapping and minelaying
Point sensible Vulnerable point
pont passerelle flybridge/flying bridge
poste de commandement projetable Dispatchable Command Post
POSTE DE TRAVAIL PYROTECHNIQUE a station/facility for pyrotechnic/firework materials
Pousse-cailloux The grunts or mud thumpers
quadrillage quadrillage (gridding tactics)
Qualités foncières Character traits
queues porte charges Load-carrying tails
RAC Field artillery regiment (27th)
rayé des cadres discharged
rayé des contrôles reassigned
régiment de 155 d\'artillerie a 155 mm artillery regiment
réussi la FSE administration passed the elementary specialised training (course) in administration
RDC removed from the rolls/discharged (rayé des contrôles)
region de marche Marches region/area
relations des services postings / inter-service transfers
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