The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ ก่อสร้าง / วิศวกรรมโยธา Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
tablou de tâmplărie Doors and Windows Schedule
tamplarie de aluminiu aluminium joinery
tamplarie din aluminiu cu geamuri termopan aluminium double glazed windows
tamplarie exterioara de termopan exterior thermopane joinery
tamplarie PVC pvc joinery
terasa necirculabila non-walk roof terrace
terasier earthwork (equipment)
tesatura fibra sticla Fibreglass Fabric
testare nedistructibila nondestructive testing of concrete (NDT)
Entered by: Irina-Maria Foray
timpan (podeţ) headwall
tinca plaster skimming/top coat plaster
to- tone
trafalet (painting) roller
trama road texture
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
tramă structural frame
trasarea poziţiei în plan drawing/ tracing the position in plane
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
trecerea de la două benzi la... two lanes merge into
Entered by: Manuela C.
trepied cu troliu tripod based winch stand
trepte de înfrăţire twinning levels
trotuar de gardă guard path
turnare radier foundation plate casting
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
unclear term in source text - need explanation marble dust
vas WC toilet bowl
ventiloconvector fan coil unit
viabilizat serviced by utilities
viciu de execuţie workmanship defect
vile insiruite terrace / terraced houses / row houses
Entered by: Ioana Costache
vinarom vinarom, washable wall paint
vitraj glazing
vola wheel loader
vopsea lavabila emulsion paint
vopsea termospumanta intumescent paint
zid întors wing wall/wingwall
zid de gardă ballast wall
zid de sprijin de greutate gravity retaining wall
Entered by: Nicolae Buzoianu
\"canal receptor\" interceptor channel
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