The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาโรมาเนีย เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การศึกษา / อบรมเด็ก Translation Glossary

ภาษาโรมาเนีย term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
facultativ vs. optional elective vs. optional
filiera pathway of training
filiera tehnologica technical path
Entered by: Claudia Coja
filiera teoretica theoretical studies
filiera teoretica profil real theoretical studies in sciences
Fizica TEO Fizica profil/filiera teoretic(ă)
Entered by: Claudia Coja
foaie matricola transcript
formă de învăţământ study/education/learning mode
formă de învăţământ la zi full-time study mode
forme de incadrare placement documents (forms)/placement patterns
gradul didactic "definitivat" full registration / full-time professional degree
gradul I (întîi) teaching rank one
grup şcolar economic administrativ Vocational High School of Business Administration
grup scolar de transporturi auto Automotive High School
Grup scolar industrial Vocational Technical Highschool
grup scolar sanitar nursing care high school
Grupul Scolar Industrial de Marina din Constanta Maritime Vocational/Technical (Sixth Form) College
Grupul Scolar Industrial Energetic Power Systems Vocational Technical High School
in base notrail comesiei (comesiel?) based on the marks given by the state commission
incadrare in invatamant hired
incadrare in productie is authorised to be hired as
incadrarea in invatamant employment in the educational system
inclinatie, propensiune propensity
industrie de sens content industry
informatică intensiv computer science/informatics intensive
insertia profesionala entry into the labour market/ into working life
inspector şcolar school inspector
Entered by: Dan Marasescu
Inspectoratul Scolar General Her Majesty's/HM Inspectorate of Education
inspectoratul scolar judetean county school inspectorate/board
institutor (elementary school) teacher
Institutul de Invatamant Superior Institute of Higher Education
instructor educator in unitati de handicapati Special Education Teacher/Instructor
Instrumental-aplicativ instrumental and applied
integralist a student who completed all credits successfully
intergrale improprii si integrale euleriene improper and Euler/Eulerian integrals
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
Invatamant Instruction
invatamant cu frecventa redusa part-time learning
invatamant la distanta distance learning
invatatori-educatoare inv. de masa primary teachers-nursery teachers (regular education)
la propunerea rectorului at/upon/following the Rector’s proposal
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