Powwow Report for Vietnã - Ho Chi Minh City (Sep 29 2007)

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Report from  RominaZ
Our powwow was very successful. It was held in a private room of a beautiful restaurant (Vuon Cau restaurant) by Saigon Riverside. The asmosphere of the powwow was very warmly and friendly. Total of attendees was 10 (three are guests). All of us were first time attendants. We used both English and Vietnamese. We have no traditional celebration for translators before. I think my powwow is the first one in Hochiminh Ciy particularly and in Vietnam generally. So I am very proud of it.

We want to send our message from our powwow to other translators around the world is " Hi all translators & interpreters around the word and the best wishes to you and your family"

- "many powwow, one tribe" : Nhiều cuộc hội họp, nhưng chỉ một bộ tộc"

- Have fun: "Chúc vui vẻ"

Pham Huu Phuoc

Photos from  RominaZ

Photos from  Phong Le

Photos from  Phong Le

Photos from  tontan

Photos from  Phong Le

Photos from  Anh Thu Tran

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Shane Wall
Dong Thanh (X)
Pham Huu Phuoc
Anh Thu Tran
Phong Le

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 1 '07  Phong Le: Thanks anh Phuoc
Mr. Phuoc is very early on. Phong Le is the second and then Tontan.

After the first 03 men, there are Danila, Shane Wall, and ..... Ms. Tuyen (not sure her nick on proz).

After each self-introduction, all agreed that ladies are really STARS: they have translated books published by a famous publishing house in Vietnam: http://www.nxbtre.com.vn/.

Then later Dong Thanh with 03 guests from Thailand joined. They left in about 45min to have the flight to Thailand.

The powwow is from 5pm to 10pm.
Oct 1 '07  Phong Le: Great day!
I would like to add photos but seems it does not work?