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SDL Trados Virtual event: Learn, discover & train with SDL experts

Jun 20, 2012


OpenEx apps developed by Kaleidoscope

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Schedule:This session ended at 19:30

We will present a few of our openExchange apps such as Excelling MultiTerm, goAnalyze or Connecting Content. Our apps target automation of tasks with Studio and interfaces with MultiTerm.

A recording of the session and Q&A with the presenter are at the bottom of this page.

Speakers:Klaus Fleischmann
Grew up with languages and computers in Austria and the US. Studied conference interpreting in Vienna & Monterey, California, and technical communication at Danube University Krems. Long work experience in the US translation industry. Founded Kaleidoscope GmbH as a consulting & software company for international documentation in 1996. Co-founded the „ARGE International Documentation“ in Vienna in 2000. Since 2008 also Managing Director of eurocom Translation Services GmbH, Vienna. Presents lectures and university courses on terminology and translation management in Austria and abroad.

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