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Mac Subtitling: Will Softel SWIFT run on a Mac with Bootcamp? 9 (9,582)
How to enter non-breaking space or en-dash in Studio/Parallels 3 (3,628)
Using MS Office on Mac for translating ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 37 (16,595)
Windows 8.1 font scaling on an iMac with Retina screen 2 (2,355)
SDL TRADOS STUDIO 2009 on MacBook Air 11" 4 (3,330)
Firefox won't accept my username and password 12 (5,342)
Downloading 'old' Gmail e-mails into Mail 3 (2,252)
Adding (free) dictionaries and glossaries to the 3 (3,538)
OCR for Mac 3 (3,267)
Problems associated with installing a virtual PC on a Mac? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 30 (13,902)
Back to Windows (still on an iMac) after switching to OS X 2 years ago 6 (3,508)
How can I attach a note to an e-mail message? 3 (2,564)
LF Aligner for Mac (video) 0 (2,135)
Condense as an alternative for ABBYY Screenshot Reader 1 (3,211)
CafeTran has gotten more "Mac Style" 0 (2,064)
Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) ( 1 ... 2 ) 26 (18,894)
Anything like Microsoft language portal for Mac OS? 7 (8,743)
Word 2011 for Mac hangs with large .docx document 7 (5,473)
Terms added to multiterm get lost in the Virtual machine 2 (2,115)
DragThing: create your own icon bars 0 (1,650)
Off-topic: Translating 1 (1,770)
File commander: Crax or DCommander 1 (3,458)
Keyboard Maestro: a very handy macro tool 0 (1,801)
Upper and lower cases on Mac (Maverick) 1 (1,551)
Trados for Macintosh ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 32 (62,346)
ABBYY FineReader Pro for Mac 0 (1,381)
Dragon naturally speaking on a virtual machine 3 (2,566)
Retrieving deleted photos on Mac 3 (2,807)
Declaring New Uniform Type Identifier for TMX 0 (1,408)
Experienced Perl user wanted 0 (1,373)
Advice against installing windows 8.1 5 (3,125)
New iMac v latest windows desktops-To Mac or not to Mac? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 31 (13,714)
Mac dictation no longer working on Wordfast Pro 0 (1,753)
Best integrated CAT tool written in Java? 5 (2,780)
How to search very large TMX files on a Mac? 9 (4,812)
Best keyboard for iMac? 4 (3,557)
Windows or Mac? ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (10,356)
More on Automator Services 0 (1,742)
TMX validator doesn't run on Mac 2 (2,360)
Parallels + Dropbox issue 11 (5,966)
Can anyone recommend a good clipboard manager for the iPad? 2 (2,905)
Repeated word count on a Mac, what software? 6 (4,128)
Installing Windows on A Mac 10 (5,011)
To Mac or not to Mac? 12 (6,977)
Trados Keyboard commands on Mac? 13 (7,695)
Multiterm and Apple Mac 2 (3,227)
Update Mountain Lion ASAP 0 (1,950)
How can I invert listing of Downloads map? 4 (2,895)
How is your translation experience working with Mac? ( 1 ... 2 ) 28 (12,008)
Automated search, help needed 1 (2,506)
ประกาศหัวข้อใหม่ หัวข้ออื่น: ได้แสดง ขนาดตัวอักษร: - /+ = ข้อความใหม่ตั้งแต่คุณเปิดดูในครั้งก่อน ( = ไม่มีข้อความใหม่ตั้งแต่คุณเปิดดูในครั้งก่อน ( = เขียนข้อความมากกว่า 15 ข้อความ) = หัวข้อนี้ถูกล็อค (ไม่อาจเขียนข้อความได้ที่นี่)
ฟอรัมสนทนาเรื่องธุรกิจการแปล ร่วมในการสนทนาแบบเปิดรวม ในหัวข้อเกี่ยวกับการแปล การทำหน้าที่ล่าม และการเรียบเรียงเป็นภาษาถิ่น
Trados Business Manager Lite Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.More info »
Wordfast Pro Translation Memory Software for Any Platform Exclusive discount for users!
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