The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาอังกฤษ เป็น ภาษาโรมาเนีย ยานยนต์ / รถ & รถบรรทุก Translation Glossary

ภาษาอังกฤษ term ภาษาโรมาเนีย translation
wander hose furtun detasabil
weld nut piulita sudata
Entered by: Dan Marasescu
wet brake frână cu disc(uri) umed(e)
wheel arch pasaj de roată
wheel inflation extension furtun prelungitor (de acces la supapă) pentru umflat roata
wheel spun roată în mişcare
wheel stud threads filetele prezoanelor rotii
wheel well pasajul roţii
wide track ecartament marit
Entered by: Ioana Costache
windwalks curenţi (laterali)
wire harness cablaj
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
with improved support for cu protecţie sporită pentru
Entered by: Oana Popovici
with no load in gol
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
with Styled Roll Bar roll bar stilizat
Entered by: cameliaim
with the top down decapotată
word on the street vocea străzii
Entered by: Mara Cojocaru
working chamber camera de lucru
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
wrap around lights faruri (lumini) panoramice
wraparound headlights faruri arcuite
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
wrecked vehicle vehicul avariat
wrist rest suport pt. incheietura mainii
yaw rate grad de deviere
yaw rate sensor senzor de rotaţie
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
yoke jug, furcă, suport
Z-drive gearbox cutie de viteze cu transmisie Z
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
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