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ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ ประวัติศาสตร์ Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
donne, comme un sceau définitif, sa garantie As his final seal of approval, he endorsed (...)
fort à propos absent conveniently absent
grâces souveraines royal pardon
la complementarité, l'organization des sociétés, la vitalité sharing and solidarity, complementarity, social infrastructures; vitality (or stamina)
s’était refermé sur une activité muséographique was re-purposed for certain kinds of museum activities
"fiche d'identité de solde" Army pay book
Entered by: Lara Barnett
"le battage, l'approvisionnement en intrants et la commercialisation" threshing, the supply of agricultural input and marketing
...roi des Francais a tous presens et a venir, salut King of the French, to all present and to come, greeting.
17 frimaire de l’an II 7 December, 1793, according to the Revolutionary Calendar.
A Clovis côme il fult notoire To Clovis as the story tells
Entered by: Mark Nathan
a-catholique non-Catholic
Entered by: David BUICK
abonder dans le Souffle to be filled with the Spirit
abris-traverses traverse/shelters, traverse/bombproofs
actes de redevance/transactions/les dettes en nature acts of royalties,/transaction/debts in kind
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
alliés d'appartenance israélite Our allies of the Jewish faith
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
amis de la bonne philosophie lovers of good philosophy
anciennes voies de circulation historical routes
ancrage local local involvement
Entered by: Mark Nathan
appartement de fonction the apartment which he held ex officio within the confines of Versailles
ascendance chronologique timeframe
ateliers de copie scriptoria
autodafé act of faith, auto-da-fé, ceremony of burning of heretics
Entered by: Mats Wiman
autographie authenticity, authorship
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
aveu a description of the holdings in fief, whether rights or property
à l\'adresse de with reference to
à pieces perdues loose floating
à tous les effets in all but name
à un millénaire et à un millier de milles près across some thousand miles some thousand years ago
éclatée fragmented (political structure)
époque moderne early modern era
épouse à la mode danoise wife more danico
bataille des haies hedge row battle
battoir battledore/beater
bénédiction des buis Blessing of the Boxwood Sprigs
beaucoup de médailles de l’ordre du Lys Medals of the "Ordre du Lys"
Besogner tumbling, bedding, serving
boites à chefs skull coffins
bon maître academic establishment
bon prince as if he were some kind of magnanimous prince
brodequins d’uniforme, fusils à chien uniform laced boots, hammer guns
Entered by: Florence Bremond
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