The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การผลิต Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
ergot Notch/groove
façonnage manufacturing
Fabrication en classe 10 000 class 10000 manufacturing
face aluminisé côté mousse aluminium-coated face on foam side
facture de remise supply invoice
FAI FAI (First Article Inspection)
faisceaux wiring looms / harnesses
fût cannelé fluted shaft
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
fer / graisse metal particles / grease
fiche de contrôle final final inspection sheet
fiche de palettisation packing list (for pallet)
fiches de cumul record sheet / product log /traceability sheet
flans d’acier steel blanks
Fluoprojetage PTFE/Teflon coating
flux laminaire laminar flow
FNC (fiche de non-conformité) NCR (non-conformance report)
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
FO Organic Fibres
fond end
Fonds de cuves sludge/slops/dregs/tank bottom residue
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
fosse nettoyage toupies mixer truck (drum) washout pit
frais de décolisage split pallet charge
Entered by: George Young
Franco Free of charge, free of expense, prepaid.
freinte et repasses shrinkage and rerun
fromages à pâte pressée cuite pressed cooked cheese
fuir par capillarité leak by capillary action
fuite sur corps leak in the body
gabarit de réglage adjustment template
galettes de cafe pucks of coffee grounds
gant à chaînette chain mail (safety) glove
garantie sociale de production Ethical production/labour policies
garantir la conformité des revendications ensure the accuracy of the information (on the label)
Gaufrette CAD CAD wafer
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
gérés au poids handled by weight
gestion des bruts management of unfinished parts
graisses agréées contact alimentaire approved food safe greases
grilles de luminaire lighting fixture grilles/ endcaps
groupe de plastification plastification unit
Grue à cannes; table à cannes; cours à cannes cane crane / table / yard
Entered by: Carla Selyer
hors gestion not in use
hors plan produit which is not included in the product plan
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