The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การตลาด / วิจัยตลาด Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
les constats et les enlignements proposés observations and alignments
les fils de l’imagination brodent le plus beau de vos rêves (where the) threads of fancy embroider the sweetest of dreams
les organismes institutionnels et de prévention no direct translation - see explanation
Les sources de ventes croisées sont multiples et recouvrent de nombreux domaines cross-selling opportunities are many/numerous and cover various areas
lettres de noblesse wants to give its mark of prestige to the Club
levier de valorisation value lever
leviers d’adhésion catch factors
leviers de communication communication levers
Libérer to release a product or service(that is under contract)
liens de proximité neighbourhood ties (if local) or close ties
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
lieux de consommation consumer hotspots
lissage des codes blurring of the boundaries
livrer en rendu purchase return
Entered by: Anne-Sophie Cardinal
location-gerance paraphrase (see answers)
loganisation bargain basement pricing policy, hard-discounting
logiques d’équipement industriel \"economy of scale\" logic
Entered by: Mark Nathan
logistique des entrants - logistique des extrants Input logistics - Output logistics
loueur de fichiers mailing list rental company/broker
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
LTV Life time value
Entered by: Diana Donzelli-Gaudet
luxe artisanal luxury craftsmanship
l\'adéquation suitability / appropriateness
maître de DB personal data protection official?
magistère moral historical accuracy
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
maison de l'autonomie centre for independent living
Maitrise de Droit Publique Master's in Public Law
mandarin academic (expert) / professor
manipulation douce soft sell / subtle manipulation
Entered by: David BUICK
manque de disponibilité de gros ensembles lack of availability of large sets
marché émetteur / marché réceptif outbound/inbound [tourist] market
Entered by: Ian Davies
marché du bouche à l'oreille word of mouth market/marketing
Entered by: Laura Robertson
marché vierge untapped market
marge arrière margin after deduction of the listing fee
marges arrière back margins; supplier's rebate; slotting or listing fees
marketing évolutif evolutionary marketing
marketing d'entree point-of-entry marketing
MARKETING DE L’OCCASION occasion-based marketing
marketing de sortie exit marketing
marque putative presumed brand attributes
Entered by: Ian Davies
marque réservée trademark
marque transversale umbrella brand / cross- (market/category, etc.)
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