The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ การตลาด / วิจัยตลาด Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
developpement d'un programme de formation transversal development of a cross-disciplinary training program
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Direction Nationale National Board of Directors
discours de marque branding
dispensing dispensing pharmacies
disponibilité en valeur (DV) distribution value
Dispositions provisions
dotations prizes, gifts
douceur/doux gentle/kind/comfortable/calming/soothing (or n. equiv.)
Douche arrondie vitrée rounded, glassed-in shower stall
dressent à elles seules they alone build
DRH directeur des ressources humaines
Entered by: Maria Burnett
DSI [direction du service informatique] Data-processing division
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
du caractere public du bien considere the (type of) public concerned by the product
duplicant multi-player (option)
dynamisation du réseau online collaboration
Echantillonage sample distribution
ecoute sensitiveness to/awareness of/consciousness of
Entered by: Laura Robertson
effet d'annonce hype
effet de notoriete high profile
Entered by: Mark Nathan
elasticite de substitution elasticity of substitution
elle n'en est pas...une sous-partie is not a subcategory of it
embarquez dans la ronde CROIRE. SE BATTRE. GAGNER. et soyez du combat Join together to BELIEVE. FIGHT. WIN. and fight for the cause
empreinte impact / influence
En évolution vs année n-1 Changes from prior year
Entered by: Mark Nathan
en comptant par chèque by cheque
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
en ouvert open question
en sell-out retail sales
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
en spontané unprompted
encastrement built in
engagé proactive
engager bind
Enquête miroir mirror survey
ensemble allons de l'avant Let's move forward together
Entered by: Mark Nathan
entrée de service maintenance hook
entree forte strong barrier to entry
Enveloppe media Media package/program/plan of attack/strategy
equilibre concurrentiel competitive equilibrium
Entered by: Adam Lankamer
Espace client Personalisation (here)
espace de vie living space
ETT temp agency (no abbreviation commonly used)
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