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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translation and interpretation meeting

January 28, 2006, 12:00 am
สหรัฐอเมริกาNew York,NYIn personภาษาอังกฤษ
We will meet in a restaurant in Times Square in New York City at 7:30 pm.If other translators have suggestions of a different place to meet. Please let me know about those places.
We will have the opportunity to get to know each other and share ideas and projects.
Feel free to call me at 212-2430188 or e-mail me at [email protected] If you have any suggestions or questions
about this meeting.
I look forward to see all of you there.
Karl Edwin Archbold

Seeda Thai restaurant
308 west.50 street(between 8th and 9th avenue)
Telephone 212-586-4040
restaurant webpage
time 7:45 pm
Feel free to call me for instructions how to get there at 212-2430188

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (36) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 8
Name NoteWill Attend
XKarl Archbold (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
XNatia Bakhtadze (X)   ...  
Kamran Nadeem  \"Photographer\" Looking forward to my first powwow  y
Nora Armani   Would love to attend, keep me informed  m
Dotsub   Have wanted to attend a powwow  y
Lisa Laplante   Keep an eye on the weather....  y
Maria-Jose Pastor   Regretably, due to person conflicts I will not be able to attend tonight. Hope I can make the next one - have a great time!   n
XKarl Gluck   I'll say maybe, but let me know.  m
Roland Grefer   Would love to attend; please keep me posted  m
Marian Greenfield   Sorry, can't make it... ATA Board Meeting in Orlando that weekend.  n
Maite Jimenez   It sounds like a great idea. I look forward to meeting everyone.  y
XHattie Hill   Sorry! I'll be in one though!  n
denardis   Anna Del Peschio- Will be happy to attend- Happy New Year!  
Jenya Meltser-Rakevich   I'd love to attend, but I am not sure if I can, so I'll say maybe...  m
Mary Quinn   I am interested in attending. Please keep me updated. Happy New Year to all! Hi, Lisa! (I think we took Medical Translation together at NYU)  
mireille aboumrad   I am not going to make it, maybe next time  n
Michael Lotz   Regret cannot come but I do hope to join you in the future.  n
DFBEN   I regret not being able to attend but please keep me informed. Meilleurs Voeux. DFBEN  n
XJames Duck (X)   Thanks for the invite, Edwin. Would love to be there, but unfortunately can't make it to NY for that time. Maybe the next one. Jim  n
Davíd Lavie   Gennady Pritsker  y
XRichard Creech   Probably won't be able to make it up to NY for this, but will if I can. Have a good time!  n
Ltemes   Thanks for the invitation, Karl. I too will not be able to make it, but the invite is appreciated. Best of luck!  n
Babette Piaget   I will try to attend. Would love to meet some fellow translators who don't mind a rookie!  m
Del Machado   I would llike to attend, please keep me informed  m
SBird   [email protected]  m
jisu   Please keep me posted.   
Elizabeth Castaldini   Elisabeth Ranhe (er_transl)  y
XTheNicklePat (X)   The Nickle Patch  m
XLesley Jackson (X)   Sorry... dropping out at the last minute. Next time, I hope. Thank you, Karl.   n
XRose Jean Charles   I look forward to be there, once again thank you .  
MLKienzle   Please keep me informed.  
XLana Rachkovskaya   Will be attending the meeting. Thank you.  
benedetta scardovi   Most probably I will be able to make it.   
yam2u   Looking forward to meeting fellow Prozians - May Wanhamid!  y
Janine Vydrug   Wiil see you all there  y
Xjordanfox   I'll be there if it's not too late to sign up!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: New York,NY - United States
Karl Archbold (X)
Karl Archbold (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:10
ภาษาอังกฤษ เป็น ภาษาสเปน
+ ...
New York,NY, United States (2006-01-28 00:00:00) Dec 19, 2005

We will meet in a restaurant in Times Square in New York City.If other translators have suggestions of a different place to meet. Please let me know about those places.
We will have the opportunity to get to know each other and share ideas and projects.
Feel free to call me at 212-2430188 or e-mail me at [email protected] If you have any suggestions or questions
about this meeting.
I look forward to see all of you there.
... See more
We will meet in a restaurant in Times Square in New York City.If other translators have suggestions of a different place to meet. Please let me know about those places.
We will have the opportunity to get to know each other and share ideas and projects.
Feel free to call me at 212-2430188 or e-mail me at [email protected] If you have any suggestions or questions
about this meeting.
I look forward to see all of you there.
Karl Edwin Archbold

Karl Archbold (X)
Karl Archbold (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:10
ภาษาอังกฤษ เป็น ภาษาสเปน
+ ...
Tonight Powwow Jan 28, 2006

We are meeting at 7:45 pm.Feel free to call me at 212-2430188 If you need to know how to get there.
We expected to have around 28 translators and Interpreters tonight.
I see you all tonight.


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