Translation glossary: NEWS

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A total of 1.2 million poultry will be slaughtered to prevent the further spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus.病毒散播,政府将屠宰一百二十万只鸡只。 
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A total of 144 firemen using 17 jets put out the fire at 5.55am.消防处出动144名消防员及17条消防喉,于凌晨五时五十五分将火救熄。 
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a total of over 
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a tough new quarantine policy一项严格的隔离新政策 
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a trauma centre临时急救中心 
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a U.N. group that monitors the disease globally. 
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a U.S. counterterrorism official一名美国反恐官员 
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a viral strain unique to Asia 
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A Vitamin A维他命 
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a Web site selling sex**网站 
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a widely prescribed medication普遍使用的药方 
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A woman also must not be more than six months pregnant女性(如堕胎)不可怀孕超过六个月,十八岁以下的要得到家长同意。 
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A woman was tortured and her body dismembered舞女谋杀案昨日展开首日聆讯,案情透露一名舞女遭人虐杀,犯人杀人后把尸体支解并烹熟弃置,然后把死者头部缝合于吉蒂猫公仔内。 
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A worker died and 16 were injured when a 50-metre-high section of scaffolding crashed down from a Tsim Sha Tsui East hotel yesterday昨日尖东一家酒店外的一个五十米高的棚架倒塌(塌棚),造成一死十六伤。死伤者全是工人。 
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Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery香港仔华人永远坟场 
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aborted fetuses堕胎儿/流产的胚胎 
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About 100 people are also awaiting liver transplants此外,有约一百名病人正在等候接受肝脏移植手术。(今年头九个月)只有十三名肝脏病人能够接受移植手术。 
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About 180 residents had to be evacuated.约有一百八十名居民要疏散。 
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absorbent totton/cotton wool ball药棉 
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abuse of antibiotics滥用抗生素 
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accept outside help接受外界援助 
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accept the idea of pre-marital sex接受婚前性行为 
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accepting free sex from prostitutes接受妓女的免费性服务 
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according to official figures/according to offical statistics根据官方数字/根据官方统计 
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according to UNAIDS 
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acne cream暗疮膏 
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acoustic meatus/external auditory canal外耳道 
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acquired immunodeficiency syndrom 
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activated alarms响动警钟 
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acupuncture clinic针灸诊所 
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acupuncture treatments针灸治疗 
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acute appendicitis); 
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Adam\'s apple喉结/喉核 
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Addressing the heads of the five branches of the island\'s government他会见五院院长,交代上周五的枪伤案详情。 
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adhesive tape胶布 
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administering a noxious chemical to the boy男童灌有毒化学物质 
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admitted caning a four-year-old girl with a rattan stick and a metal ruler for wetting herself承认用藤条和铁尺虐打一名四岁女童,以责罚她尿床 
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admitted having an affair with somebody承认和某人有染 
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admitted negligence承认疏忽 
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adopts the tightest and most stringent security procedures采取最严密的保安程序 
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