The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ กีฬา / ฟิตเนส / สันทนาการ Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
coiffer le genou droit stroke the right knee (vocabulary of yoga exercises)
frappe sèche clean hit
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
(échelle) tyrolienne tree ladder
Entered by: JabTrad
(premier rang) touche first row by the touchline
1/2 fond - fond middle & long distance [races]
3 longs par 5 three long par 5s
académique formal (rules)
accroche hold/grip
Actions fédérales de féminisation National FFF-sponsored gender equality initiatives
agencement a sequence
agences nationales antidopage étrangers national anti-doping agencies of other countries
Entered by: Lara Barnett
agent placeur placement agent
ailettes (MP3 player) flanges/flange tips
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
ajuster le bon geste gagnant play shots/strokes well
aller au charbon isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty
aller à contre-bord change (to the opposite) tack
améliorer son petit jeu short game
AMD, parachutage AMD, Automatic Measuring Device, parachuting
angle crosse (adjustable) handle angle
animateur [centre de vacances etc.] activity leader OR group leader [AE: camp counselor]
anneau piste circular track
anti-dérailleur anti-derailment device
apnee freediving
appartements we will be able to settle down comfortably on the left-hand side of the boat for a long time
appel et contre-appel pendulum
appui footing
appuis lateral or vertical back-up or play
Aqualudique Aqua leisure pool
arête (sur le haut du cadre) double crossbar
architecture dégagée aux passages de roues ample tyre (GB)/tire(US) clearance
arts martiaux de percussion martial arts involving striking or hitting
assistant de terrain field assistant
assurage belaying
atelier en forêt forest adventure areas
ateliers PVA PVA workshops
attelage carraige driving
au coeur de in
au galop at a galop/canter
au général provisoire overall standings
Au vent du relief upwind of terrain, or land relief
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