The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ วิทยาศาสตร์/วิศวกรรมปิโตรเลียม Translation Glossary

ภาษาฝรั่งเศส term ภาษาอังกฤษ translation
coté réservoir on the tank side
Entered by: EirTranslations
les complétions de puits well completions
"Premiers effets léthaux" et "effets léthaux significatifs" first lethal effects and significant lethal effects
a Ligne de Diluant CPF-Andoas the diluent pipeline from Andoas to CPF
Entered by: Lara Barnett
a rapport qualité /prix et disponibilité given good value for money and availability
aéro-réfrigérants cooling towers
abris des distributeurs dispensing unit (fuel pump) canopies (weather shelters)
Entered by: EirTranslations
accord portant achats préférentiels preferred purchasing or provider agreement (PPA)
activités aval downtream business or activities
aire étanche sealed area
analyse de blanc de méthode ou de témoin the analysis method of blank or witness
anti-orniérants anti-rutting (pavement)
appareils distributeurs (AD) feeding or dispensing units or devices
Entered by: EirTranslations
arcade spring chamber
arrêts programmés Agenda of scheduled stoppages
Entered by: EirTranslations
atmosphère gazeuse gaseous environment
Entered by: Susana Magnani
au câble wireline
au niveau de ... at each of the complex's liquefaction train level
au sabot casing float shoe / casing head / casing seat
autosurveillance/autocontrol automatic monitoring and regulation
à la surface on the ground
Entered by: Michael Tovbin
étant en cessation being in suspension of supply
Entered by: EirTranslations
ballon méthanol methanol cylinder
bases segreguées segregated bases
bateau vété double hull tanker
bilan matière sum total of the product
Entered by: EirTranslations
Bitumes Routiers et oxydes road bitumen and (as below)
Entered by: Ravi Kumar
bonification de la recuperation recovery upgrading
Bouchon de carburéacteur Jet fuel buffer
Capacité d'autofinancement globale overall self-financing capability
capacités vessels
carburant additivé Fuel containing additives
carburants légers light fuels
carnet métrologique metrology logbook
Carotte de fond bottom core
cession en bac sold by the tank
cessions en bacs successives consecutive deliveries to tanks
charge polluante pollutant load
Entered by: dwinters
chasse pigging
Entered by: John Fossey
chaudière par éléments multi-piece boiler
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