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Off topic: Joyce拜师学艺!
Iniziatore argomento: Joyce Curran
Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
良师益友 Jul 28, 2005


Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
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半点意见 Jul 28, 2005

“建议是极其附和实际的”(immensely valuable recommendations)

Joyce Curran wrote:

In 2004 we will be hosting the final of the European championships at Old Trafford in Manchester. Our priority has to be to protect the law-abiding supporter and clamp down on hooligans who spoil the game, we need a practical, pro-active approach to information sharing for national monitoring centres. Their existence alone will not guarantee the end of football hooliganism. I therefore urge this House to adopt the report that we are discussing as it contains immensely valuable recommendations.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 12:59
Membro (2005)
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...

[quote]Joyce Curran wrote:

(Translate into Chinese for a general readership)

Mr President, Colleagues,

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. 首先我想向议院汇报,欧洲社会党(PSE)对这份报告以及报告里所列举的有关如何阻止流氓球迷, 以及其他有组织性流氓集团对球赛进行破坏活动的措施很感兴趣。


首先,我谨向上/下议院(上下应该明确)同仁表明,欧洲社会党(PSE, 本党? )对这份报告持赞赏态度. 报告中阐述的用来防止足球流氓以及其他有组织性流氓团伙的破坏活动的措施, 我们也乐观其成。

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
開頭或可如此翻譯 Jul 28, 2005


首先,本席要向议院报告,欧洲社会党 (PSE) 乐见这份报告,对于其中所提有关防制流氓球迷、以及其它组织性流氓集团破坏球赛活动的措施,也颇感认同。不过,我们必须督导监督中心执行其功能的方式,以确保足球社群能充分融通情报。其中最重要的是,在财务和人事双方面,都必须保证给予恰当的资源。

Mr President, Colleagues,

... See more

首先,本席要向议院报告,欧洲社会党 (PSE) 乐见这份报告,对于其中所提有关防制流氓球迷、以及其它组织性流氓集团破坏球赛活动的措施,也颇感认同。不过,我们必须督导监督中心执行其功能的方式,以确保足球社群能充分融通情报。其中最重要的是,在财务和人事双方面,都必须保证给予恰当的资源。

Mr President, Colleagues,

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange of information. Most important of all is the need to ensure adequate resources both in financial and personnel terms.

請 Joyce 特別留意用粗體標出的部分。在國會裡爭的是政治利益,每個黨都會想盡辦法把議案功能的具體執行,拉向接近自己黨人的利益。這段話已經表明了:欧洲社会党基本上贊同報告中所提的防制措施,但提醒要讓監督中心發揮功能,國家要有督導方案,錢和人是少不了的;本黨當然義不容辭、當人不讓囉。底下拉拉雜雜說的,無非本席和本黨對此事既有見地、也有能力,將來的督導工作應由本黨主導。


[Edited at 2005-07-28 07:33]

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
第17届韩素音翻译竞赛 Jul 28, 2005


chance (X)
chance (X)
Da Francese a Cinese
+ ...
Joyce, Jul 28, 2005



Zhoudan wrote:


Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
再次搜索 Jul 28, 2005


Bill Lao
Bill Lao
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
内容基本理解正确, Jul 28, 2005


Mr President, Colleagues,

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange
... See more

Mr President, Colleagues,

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange of information. Most important of all is the need to ensure adequate resourced both in financial and personnel terms.


Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
又回来了! Jul 28, 2005


Shaun是正确的,"President"应该是“议长”,(从"examiners' report"里证实的。其他“主席,会长, 总统”均是错误的。

"PSE group"是指 "Party of European Socialists",所以是“欧洲社会党”。这在"examiners' report"也指出了。

“I” and "we"真的让我如梦初醒。



Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
不一定稱議長的 Jul 28, 2005

Joyce Curran wrote:
Shaun是正确的,"President"应该是“议长”,(从"examiners' report"里证实的。其他“主席,会长, 总统”均是错误的。

在台灣稱為院長,因為台灣的下院 (House) 稱立法院。其它國家有另外的稱法,"議長" 當然沒錯,但稱 "主席" 也不會錯,因為那是下院的主席。

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
我有点不明白了 Jul 28, 2005

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

Joyce Curran wrote:
Shaun是正确的,"President"应该是“议长”,(从"examiners' report"里证实的。其他“主席,会长, 总统”均是错误的。

在台灣稱為院長,因為台灣的下院 (House) 稱立法院。其它國家有另外的稱法,"議長" 當然沒錯,但稱 "主席" 也不會錯,因為那是下院的主席。

the following was taken from a speech on security at international football matches delivered at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament in April 2002. By a member of the PSE Group of the Party of European Socialists.

在"examiners' report"说:“in the context, the term "President" refers to the Speaker in the Parliament, thus the encoding result should be [议长先生],but not [主席先生,会长先生 或总统先生],as found in ths scripts.

Sorry didn't supply this info before, but if with it, which way should I take or both? if I did translate as "主席先生”,如果评卷者不同意。这种情况下是否取决于评卷者的观点?

[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:05]

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
再来一段 Jul 28, 2005

Joyce Curran wrote:
On Friday, I visited the football intelligence unit in Greater Manchester police service. Unfortunately, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in tacking football related violence in my city. The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”. On Friday, the unit was preparing for two key matches on Saturday. One of those was Oldham versus Stoke City: the last time these two teams had met, known hooligans had rampaged through the town, wrecking property and attacking people. In the UK we have pro-active football legislation to deal with our hooligan problems. This allows us to impose banning orders: so when a hundred of those fans arrived in Oldham, they were immediately arrested because they are banned from attending any matches. Those banning orders also apply to international matches.
星期五我参观了大曼彻斯特警署足球情报小组。不幸的是,我市在处理有关足球暴力行为方面不仅有丰富的实际经验,而且有极丰厚的专业知识。大曼彻斯特警署的助理警官在读了这个报告后,非常欣赏其中所说的起点行动,他称之为“处理不同问题时应予以不同的标准,比如说,Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”. 在星期五,情报小组正在准备星期六就要举行的两场主赛。参赛之一是法国的奥德姆versus Stoke市球队:这两个球队上次比赛时,知名流氓团伙猖狂扰乱整个市区,破坏公物,骚扰市民。在英国我们有主动式的足球法规来处理限制流氓问题,此法规允许我们使用同时也可用于国际比赛的禁令:因为流氓球迷事先被禁止在任何球赛地点露面,假如说有100个那种捣蛋球迷抵达奥德姆,那么我们可以立即当地抓捕他们。


-Away fixture:指的应是“客场赛期”吧?



-参赛之一是法国的奥德姆versus Stoke市球队:这里明显的误读了吧?译成:“其中一场是法国的奥德姆对垒Stoke市”应该可以吧?

-known hooligans: known 和well-known是有差别的。known应该是指已知的流氓球迷,或已上了警方黑名单的球迷。可参考Ramsfield的已知的已知名句

- attacking people:“骚扰”(harass)似乎不到位,至少也要用“攻击”吧?

- In the UK we have pro-active football legislation to deal with our hooligan problems:这句或可译成:“在英国,警方得益于本国的足球法规,可采取先发制人的手法来处理……”


Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
稍加說明 Jul 28, 2005

Joyce Curran wrote:

the following was taken from a speech on security at international football matches delivered at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament in April 2002. By a member of the PSE Group of the Party of European Socialists.

在"examiners' report"说:“in the context, the term "President" refers to the Speaker in the Parliament, thus the encoding result should be [议长先生],but not [主席先生,会长先生 或总统先生],as found in ths scripts.

Sorry didn't supply this info before, but if with it, which way should I take or both? if I did translate as "主席先生”,如果评卷者不同意。这种情况下是否取决于评卷者的观点?

如果出題時已指定要用 "議長先生",那就只能用 "議長先生"。不過,如果沒有指定,歐洲 "議會主席" 就是 "議長",但不會是 "總統"。此外,在 "examinars' report" 裡說的 "the Speaker" 非常容易產生誤解,因為 "the Speaker" 可以是一般的發言人,不一定是議會主席或議長,既然有 "in the Parliament" ,那其實非是主持會議的 "主席" 不可了。我非常不解那種非為 "議長" 不可的指定。

評卷者如果是出題者,那他在出題時就必須說明他的指定,不能在事後隨便選定一個譯詞。那是對參試者不公平的。再者,我在各國的議會上聽到的大多是先對主席致意,如有外來的貴賓再對外賓致意,然後才對同僚或同仁致意;不過,在台灣從來不說 "議長先先" 或 "主席先生" 的,"議長、各位同仁" 或 "主席、各位同仁" 就夠了,"先生" 倒可以省去。評卷者既有他或他們的指定說明,那就不得不採取他或他們的觀點。但在實際上,翻譯的重點並不在於此。如果評卷者堅持此見,那就蠻可笑的了。

鹿橋的 "人子" 裡有一篇故事 "獸言",說到故事主人翁初到猩猩的國度,觀察到猩猩社會的秩序,"甚么大王不大王、王宫不王宫、宴会不宴会,都是为了与人说话方便起见,翻译出的既非人言,也不是兽语。" 我舉這個例子要說明的是:翻譯為的是溝通方便,弄清楚所指就對了,沒有什麼名詞必須堅持的。

[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:16]

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
致乔伊斯: Jul 28, 2005

To Little Joyce,


Joyce Curran wrote:


Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:59
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
确实如此! Jul 28, 2005

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

如果出題時已指定要用 "議長先生",那就只能用 "議長先生"。不過,如果沒有指定,歐洲 "議會主席" 就是 "議長",但不會是 "總統"。此外,在 "examinars' report" 裡說的 "the Speaker" 非常容易產生誤解,因為 "the Speaker" 可以是一般的發言人,不一定是議會主席或議長,既然有 "in the Parliament" ,那其實非是主持會議的 "主席" 不可了。我非常不解那種非為 "議長" 不可的指定。

評卷者如果是出題者,那他在出題時就必須說明他的指定,不能在事後隨便選定一個譯詞。那是對參試者不公平的。再者,我在各國的議會上聽到的大多是先對主席致意,如有外來的貴賓再對外賓致意,然後才對同僚或同仁致意;不過,在台灣從來不說 "議長先先" 或 "主席先生" 的,"議長、各位同仁" 或 "主席、各位同仁" 就夠了,"先生" 倒可以省去。評卷者既有他或他們的指定說明,那就不得不採取他或他們的觀點。但在實際上,翻譯的重點並不在於此。如果評卷者堅持此見,那就蠻可笑的了。

[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:05]


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