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Thread poster: Joyce Curran
ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:09
English to Chinese
+ ...
关于Shaun 指出的两点 Jul 30, 2005

Shaun Yeo wrote:

Donglai Lou wrote:
2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism

我对法律不熟,但一般不是先捉了,才起诉吗?如是,那就无所谓"rounding-up without prosecution”(未经起诉的情况下,围捕……)了,也就是说"without prosecution”的用意不在修饰“围捕”这一动作了。那么,是不是可以译成:围捕足球流氓并不加起诉就将其驱逐出境……”?

7.As a result of German data protection and privacy laws, no list of known hooligans could be passed on to the local intelligence forces



关于Shaun 指出的两点,我比较同意他和东来的意见。我理解Rounding up 就是“围捕”的意思。在美国,警察和移民局都有权拘留或逮捕在本国触犯法律的外籍人士。移民局可以抓,警察局也可以抓,然后根据情节决定是否交移民局处理。移民局根据情节轻重,可以免予起诉而直接递解出境。逮捕、起诉、递解出境可以是不同行为主体的协调行动。不大了解英国情况是否如此,但在有些法律方面,美英往往是大同小异。”Rounding up and deportation without prosecution” 是一种action,是句子的主语,但这种action不一定非得是由单一的行为主体来实施。

建议将“围捕流氓球迷并不加起诉就将其驱逐出境”改为:“围捕流氓球迷并不予起诉就将其递解出境”,因为驱逐(expulsion)似乎比deportation更严重些。Deportation may be a voluntary deportation, which means that one agrees to leave the country voluntarily within the time limit set by a judge. 如果他敬酒不吃,则可能面临起诉而吃罚酒。驱逐则完全是强制性的,被驱逐者无任何选择。

至于另一句,东来和Shaun 将“As a result of”译为“鉴于”未尝不可。若解释为“作为某某法律的一项结果”,似乎不合乎逻辑。法律是依据,并非是什么后果的直接起因。而且,“德国数据保护和隐私法律规定,不得将已知的流氓球迷名单传给当地情报人员”易被误解为德国法律对足球流氓名单或篮球流氓名单等都有具体规定。德国法律只能就原则做出规定,而不可能做出如此具体的规定。

建议将此句改为无人称句,并将“数据”改为“资料”(我想这里是指personal data):“鉴于德国关于资料保护和隐私权的法律,不得将已掌握的足球流氓名单送交当地情报小组。” 至于具体是谁掌握这类名单,原文未说明,也无关重要。


[Edited at 2005-07-30 08:33]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
关于after hours Jul 30, 2005

Shaun Yeo wrote:

The difficulty is, however, who pays those costs after hours in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities.麻烦是,无论是谁承担这笔费用,只要几个时辰,流氓团伙又会随时准备对球赛进行破坏活动。

英语中有把after hours当成hours after来用的。所以,这句或可如此rephrase:
who pays those costs in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities **hours after** the whistle is blown?如果这样理解,Joyce应该可以自行译出来吧、


[Edited at 2005-07-30 02:54]

after hours = 下班之后(朗文金结词典)

It may be helpful to know what time of day these games are played. What time of day Joyce? morning, afternoon or evening? From what I see they are mostly in the afternoon. 'After hours' is in the evening (after 5 pm) when the small police stations are closed, maybe. What hours are the police on duty normally at weekends in the UK? 1 建议要充分了解当地社会/文化背景 2 写得/说得模糊/含糊最好翻译的一样模糊,让读者造成自己的理解?? 只写个'(大家都)下班后'就得了?

[Edited at 2005-08-03 03:09]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
关于rounding up and deportation Jul 30, 2005

[quote]Yueyin Sun wrote:

[quote]Shaun Yeo wrote:

Donglai Lou wrote:
2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism

我对法律不熟,但一般不是先捉了,才起诉吗?如是,那就无所谓"rounding-up without prosecution”(未经起诉的情况下,围捕……)了,也就是说"without prosecution”的用意不在修饰“围捕”这一动作了。那么,是不是可以译成:围捕足球流氓并不加起诉就将其驱逐出境……”?

关于Shaun 指出的两点,我比较同意他和东来的意见。我理解Rounding up 就是“围捕”的意思。在美国,警察和移民局都有权拘留或逮捕在本国触犯法律的外籍人士。移民局可以抓,警察局也可以抓,然后根据情节决定是否交移民局处理。移民局根据情节轻重,可以免予起诉而直接递解出境。逮捕、起诉、递解出境可以是不同行为主体的协调行动。不大了解英国情况是否如此,但在有些法律方面,美英往往是大同小异。”Rounding up and deportation without prosecution” 是一种action,是句子的主语,但这种action不一定非得是由单一的行为主体来实施。

建议将“围捕流氓球迷并不加起诉就将其驱逐出境”改为:“围捕流氓球迷并不予起诉就将其递解出境”,因为驱逐(expulsion)似乎比deportation更严重些。Deportation may be a voluntary deportation, which means that one agrees to leave the country voluntarily within the time limit set by a judge. 如果他敬酒不吃,则可能面临起诉而吃罚酒。驱逐则完全是被动的,无任何选择。

round up = to gather people together 把(人)聚拢起来
deport = to send a foreigner out of the country because they do not have a legal right to be there 把(没有合法身份的外国人)驱逐出境
prosecution = the bringing of a criminal charge against someone 起诉;检控 eg The sale of alcohol to children can lead to prosecution. 出售酒类给儿童可引起诉讼. The police brought a successful prosecution against him. 警方成功的对他起诉.
-> deportation without prosecution = 无起诉的驱逐

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
关于rounding up and deportation without prosecution Jul 30, 2005

[quote]Bill Lao wrote:

2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism

关于这两句话,我的解读是:round up是“to gather in or bring together from various part”,即收集、聚拢,但不知道什么你们毫不例外一致翻译成“围捕”或“抓人”!

实际上英文原文,“Rounding up and deportation”是一个整体,不可分,意为“集中起来驱逐出境”。请注意后边的动词does是单数形式,也就是主语是单数,不是两种事情。

同意round up = 聚拢, 一我所了解,第一是聚拢,第二是无起诉的驱逐出境

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
away, versus 应该很容易查到...难道你没有朗文进阶词典吗? Jul 30, 2005

我在译”Unfortunately, we have a my city"时,就想不出为啥“我们既然又是经验又是知识”,还唠叨“Unfortunately”,我怎么也想不通应该如何表达才不失原句含义。

我还是不明白“Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures".

"Oldham versus Stoke city", 翻译时,我想这”Oldham“和”Stoke city“都应该是地名,却没有对”versus“加以任何考虑。以致后�
... See more
我在译”Unfortunately, we have a my city"时,就想不出为啥“我们既然又是经验又是知识”,还唠叨“Unfortunately”,我怎么也想不通应该如何表达才不失原句含义。

我还是不明白“Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures".

"Oldham versus Stoke city", 翻译时,我想这”Oldham“和”Stoke city“都应该是地名,却没有对”versus“加以任何考虑。以致后来的"the last time these two teams had met"让我忧愁到现在。


“examiners' report" says the candidates showed a lack of knowledge of soccer world. 我查了好久,却毫无结果。

Unfortunately, we have a my city -> 不幸亏得是...有的是(很多) - 怎么样? a wealth of = (fml) a large number or amount of (正式) 大量;丰富 eg a wealth of examples 大量的例子

away = played at the sports field of your opponent (体育比赛)客场的;在对方场的进行的 eg We've got an away match next week. 下周我们要去客场比赛.
versus = in opposition to or against,especially in a game of sport (尤指在体育比赛中)以...卫队手;对 eg The England versus Australia cricket match is starting today. 英格兰对澳大利亚的半球比赛今天开始.
(朗文进阶硬汉双解词典 Longman Active Study English-Chinese Dictionary)

[Edited at 2005-07-30 23:28]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
一些建议 Para 1 Jul 30, 2005

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange of information. Most important of all is the need to ensure adequate resourced both in financial and personnel terms.
... See more
Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange of information. Most important of all is the need to ensure adequate resourced both in financial and personnel terms.

1 为什么说'因为这些措施'? 'organised thugs'在哪里? '进行破坏活动及组织性暴行'是从那里来的? 这些 = 这些所提出的? 'adequate resourced' should be 'adequate resources'? 以应付财务与人事两方面的需求?

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
一些建议 Para 2 Jul 30, 2005

On Friday, I visited the football intelligence unit in Greater Manchester police service. Unfortunately, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in tacking football related violence in my city. The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”. On Friday, the unit was preparing for two key... See more
On Friday, I visited the football intelligence unit in Greater Manchester police service. Unfortunately, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in tacking football related violence in my city. The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”. On Friday, the unit was preparing for two key matches on Saturday. One of those was Oldham versus Stoke City: the last time these two teams had met, known hooligans had rampaged through the town, wrecking property and attacking people. In the UK we have pro-active football legislation to deal with our hooligan problems. This allows us to impose banning orders: so when a hundred of those fans arrived in Oldham, they were immediately arrested because they are banned from attending any matches. Those banning orders also apply to international matches.

Stoke City;上一回這兩隊碰頭時,已知的滋事份子在整個城裏到處作亂,破壞財物、攻擊人群。在英國,我們是有「預先防範足球賽滋事」的相關法令,來應付球迷鬧事問題。準此,我們能夠實施禁制令:如果有幾百個球迷群聚到Oldham,他們會馬上被逮補,因為法令禁止他們參加任何球賽。這個禁制令也同樣適用於國際性比賽。

1 真是不幸,我的城市竟然真是不幸,我的城市竟然對於處理與足球相關的暴力事件有這麼豐富的經驗與專業 -> 不幸亏得是,我城市處理與足球相關的暴力事件的經驗與專業有的是/很多/很丰富. 2 在整個城裏到處 - 原文没有'整个''到处'? 3 people = '人' 4 so when = 当...时 (不等于'如果有') 5 '他們會馬上被逮補' 应该是 '他们马上被...' (过去) 6 這個禁制令 these = 这些

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:09
English to Chinese
+ ...
Hi Lesley! Jul 30, 2005

Lesley McLachlan wrote:

Shaun Yeo wrote:
英语中有把after hours当成hours after来用的。所以,这句或可如此rephrase:
who pays those costs in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities **hours after** the whistle is blown?如果这样理解,Joyce应该可以自行译出来吧、

after hours = 下班之后(朗文金结词典)

Hi Lesley,
Thanks for looking up the dictionary for us. By the way, applying this meaning, how do we understand the text concerned? Do you think you could help rephrasing the above into easily decipherable sentence(s)?
Looking forward to your input...

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
一些建议 Para 3 Jul 30, 2005

The football intelligence unit has a sophisticated database of so-called “football prominents”, using the latest digital image technology to update and record cases. Let me tell you where the unit believes the EU information exchange system has to do better: 150 fans were deported from Charleroi in June 2000. among those arriving in Manchester airport were Belgian nationals, some of whom may not have been involved in hooliganism at all. Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does no... See more
The football intelligence unit has a sophisticated database of so-called “football prominents”, using the latest digital image technology to update and record cases. Let me tell you where the unit believes the EU information exchange system has to do better: 150 fans were deported from Charleroi in June 2000. among those arriving in Manchester airport were Belgian nationals, some of whom may not have been involved in hooliganism at all. Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism. A list of the deportees was then sent to the intelligence unit: very useful as far as it went, but the accompanying report contained no information. Officers could not read it because it was not in English, and they could not act on it because the information did not allow for any further action due to prosecution or conviction. During Euro ’96, German fans arrived in Manchester. As a result of German data protection and privacy laws, no list of known hooligans could be passed on to the local intelligence forces and the officers working in the unit therefore had no information accessible in a usable formant to tackle the hooligans. So there is an issue here in that we do need to standardise our information formats while recognising that there are different cultures on policing and information collection across the EU.


1 Let me tell you where the unit believes the EU information exchange system has to do better 我顺便告诉大家我们小组认为在那个地方EU information exchange system 要做的更好.2 其中有些人可能從來沒有參與過暴動鬧事 '从来'不需要. 3 very useful as far as it went 有用到有用? 到有一定用处? 4 所以說这些事件含有问题.问题在于我们确实需要在standardise our information formats,但是同时还要承认EU当中有各个不同的policing and information collection方式/习惯/制度/'文化'?

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
一些建议 Para 4 Jul 30, 2005

We need to deal with hooliganism pro-actively not re-actively. On the issue of cost, no doubt it would be useful to have a study on whether clubs should pay more for the policing of hooliganism. The difficulty is, however, who pays those costs after hours in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities.

... See more
We need to deal with hooliganism pro-actively not re-actively. On the issue of cost, no doubt it would be useful to have a study on whether clubs should pay more for the policing of hooliganism. The difficulty is, however, who pays those costs after hours in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities.


1 关于经费/说起经费 2 no doubt = 虽然...应该有一定用处 3 to have a study on whether clubs should pay more for the policing of hooliganism. 对于俱乐部是否...做研究 4 the difficulty is 难点是/难处在于 5 who pays those costs after hours in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities.下班后的防制鬧事的警力開銷在那些football hooligans还在活动的城市,谁来支付. 6 club = 足球会?

after hours = after the game, when most of the crowds have dispersed and the specially arranged police have gone home, I guess. I suppose the burden falls on the local police, and they wouldn't necessarily have the staff resources to cope. 大多数专门安排的警察队伍已散走时?,比赛结束后一段时间football hooligans还在继续活动

[Edited at 2005-07-30 23:24]

[Edited at 2005-07-30 23:38]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 08:09
Chinese to English
一些建议 Para 5 Jul 30, 2005

In 2004 we will be hosting the final of the European championships at Old Trafford in Manchester. Our priority has to be to protect the law-abiding supporter and clamp down on hooligans who spoil the game, we need a practical, pro-active approach to information sharing for national monitoring centres. Their existence alone will not guarantee the end of football hooliganism. I therefore urge this House to adopt the report that we are discussing as it contains immensely valuable recommendations.... See more
In 2004 we will be hosting the final of the European championships at Old Trafford in Manchester. Our priority has to be to protect the law-abiding supporter and clamp down on hooligans who spoil the game, we need a practical, pro-active approach to information sharing for national monitoring centres. Their existence alone will not guarantee the end of football hooliganism. I therefore urge this House to adopt the report that we are discussing as it contains immensely valuable recommendations.

2004年歐洲冠軍盃決賽將在曼徹斯特Old Trafford城舉行,我們的首要任務是保護守法的球賽支持者,以及取締那些擾亂球賽的鬧事份子。國家監控中心需要有實際的、主動預防的手段,來執行情報分享工作。光有監控中心不足以保證終結足球暴力,因此我要促請議院採納我們所討論的這份報告,因為它提供了極有價值的諸多建議。

1 Old Trafford is the name of a stadium 2 we will be hosting 由我们/我方主办 2 supporter = 支持者 (不需要'球赛',应该是'球队'的支持者吧?) 3 clamp down = to become firmer in order to control a situation 严格管理 eg The police are going to clamp down on parking in this area. 警方准备对该地区的车辆停放实行严格管理. (朗文进阶词典) 4 to information sharing for national monitoring centres 对于国家的各个監控中心之间的情報分享工作 5 '光有' 应该是'只有了''仅具有了'6 極有價值的諸多建議 不需要'许多'

[Edited at 2005-07-30 23:40]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:09
Chinese to English
+ ...
Again, FWIW Jul 30, 2005

Yueyin Sun wrote:


I agree with Yueyin that it is a very good idea to read through the whole passage and understand the context before starting out with the translation. Otherwise it's likely that one "couldn't see the forest for the trees".

IMHO, to get the main theme, or the gist of the passage correct is more important than worrying about the exact wording of a few minor places here and there. But that's just my opinion. It would of course be nice to provide an accurate and polished translation if time was affordable.

In this particular speech, the speaker is mainly describing how the Greater Manchester police approaches their hooliganism issues. The Manchester police force obviously has a wealth of experience and expertise in tackling football related violence in his city as he stated. However, the speaker proceeds to impress upon his colleagues that without the cooperation and intelligence from other countries like Belgium and Germany, it is hard to get the job done. He uses the example of the Belgians(or is it French?) deporting 150 fans from Charleroi to Manchester indiscriminantly, some were Belgian nationals who weren't even involved with hooliganism at all. He also cites the example of German's privacy law preventing the Manchester police from doing their jobs.

So the main message of the speaker here, IMHO, is to convince his European colleagues that more cooperation is needed in information collection, information sharing, and the standardizing of intelligence format, etc..

BTW, I'm no soccer expert. But from checking out some websites, I think "Manchester United away fixtures" are mainly seasonal games among soccer leagues in the UK, while "England away fixtures" are mainly games among European national soccer teams. Based on that premise, I would suggest translating the sentence I've previously raised an issue on as follows:


>>> The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”.

大曼彻斯特区助理警政署长已阅读了这份报告。 考虑到他所称"以曼彻斯特联队客场球赛与英格兰队客场球赛对付流氓捣乱的标准相差悬殊为例"这点,他对这份报告的建议是表示支持的。

Of course the Chinese wording could always be improved. 大概其了


BTW, "in the light of" is an idiom. please refer to the following two links


in light of

Also, in the light of; in view of. In consideration of, in relationship to. For example, In light of recent developments, we're postponing our meeting, or In the light of the weather forecast we've canceled the picnic, or He got a special bonus in view of all the extra work he had done. The first two of these terms date from the late 1600s, the third from about 1800.

Idiom: in the light of something

Taking it into consideration.

[Edited at 2005-07-30 23:18]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:09
Chinese to English
+ ...
Agree Jul 30, 2005

Lesley McLachlan wrote:

after hours = 下班之后(朗文金结词典)

If I were taking the test, I would have translated this into 一直搞到深更半夜甚至黎明, i.e., most of the cops are normally off duty by then .

[Edited at 2005-07-30 17:32]

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
English to Chinese
+ ...
Hi, dear: Jul 30, 2005

gladbeach wrote:
{{2、among those arriving in Manchester airport were Belgian nationals, some of whom may not have been involved in hooliganism at all.你译作“有一些比利时公民与流氓暴力行为根本就没有牵连”。 我认为这里不是说这些比利时人被冤枉了,而是说因为他们没有前科,英国的情报小组没有他们的记录,因此我翻为“他们中的某些人此前从来没有牵涉入任何流氓球迷事件”。}}

{{banning order}}
{{1、 Unfortunately, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in tacking football related violence in my city.

我赞同你的译法,就像其他师尊所说,考试时没有时间仔细推敲逻辑,措辞方面的问题,主要是理解正确。实际上这“我在这里非常惭愧地告诉大家”并不是我的译法,而是从examiners' reports来的。我倒不是说这评卷人太霸道,牵着咱的鼻子走。但是为了他们放咱们一条小路,还是不要轻视他们的意见为好。
不过,如果视为演讲, 用引号与否不会对演讲者的目的起很大帮助作用,所以后半句我采用了Shaun的建议。

{{2、 我想请教一个问题,一般的翻译中,地名、人名、公司名、等等,除非特别要求,都沿用原文,不翻成中文,那在考试中,像这种球队名字和城市名字呢?要翻吗?}}

{{4、 information sharing for national monitoring centres.

6、I therefore urge 译为“因此我呼吁”是否好些?


[Edited at 2005-07-29 22:30]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:09
Chinese to English
+ ...
"in light of" 翻成"鉴于" is better I think Jul 30, 2005

>>> The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”.

大曼彻斯特区助理警政署长已阅读了这份报告。 鉴于他所称"例如曼彻斯特联队客场球赛与英格兰队客场球赛对付球迷闹事现行标准措施相差悬殊",他对这份报告的建议是�
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>>> The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”.

大曼彻斯特区助理警政署长已阅读了这份报告。 鉴于他所称"例如曼彻斯特联队客场球赛与英格兰队客场球赛对付球迷闹事现行标准措施相差悬殊",他对这份报告的建议是表示支持的。


大曼彻斯特区助理警政署长已阅读了这份报告。 他对这份报告的建议是表示支持的,尤其鉴于他所称"例如曼彻斯特联队客场球赛与英格兰队客场球赛对付球迷闹事现行标准措施相差悬殊"。

[Edited at 2005-07-31 00:47]

A little improvement that adheres more to the original text:


[Edited at 2005-07-31 12:37]

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