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Off topic: Joyce拜师学艺!
Inițiatorul discuției: Joyce Curran
Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:41
din engleză în chineză
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最令人受不了的審稿人 Jul 28, 2005

Joyce Curran wrote:


其實,你原譯的 "尊敬的院长先生,同事们," 我原則上是不會動它的,但如果是我由翻譯則會用 "院長、各位同事"、"主席、各位同仁" 或 "議長、各位同仁",那不過是個人偏好而已。"院長"、"議長" 其實都已是稱呼,實無必要再來個 "先生",評卷者有他的偏好,出題時應該先說明清楚。

至於 "尊敬的",我個人覺得無必要,但除非我有定稿權,否則我是不刪的。最令人受不了的審稿人就是那種譯者的每句話都要換言之的審稿人。

[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:31]

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
din engleză în chineză
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我都快绝望了 Jul 28, 2005

Chinoise wrote:

To Little Joyce,






Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:41
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叫我阿姨:) Jul 28, 2005

其实,叫啥真的无所谓:) 。反正我跟Zhou Dan一般大,她认你这个妹,我也没不认之理:)。就叫俺Betty吧。

... See more
其实,叫啥真的无所谓:) 。反正我跟Zhou Dan一般大,她认你这个妹,我也没不认之理:)。就叫俺Betty吧。


Joyce Curran wrote:

Chinoise wrote:

To Little Joyce,






Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
din engleză în chineză
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Shaun: Jul 28, 2005

Shaun Yeo wrote:


-Away fixture:指的应是“客场赛期”吧?



-参赛之一是法国的奥德姆versus Stoke市球队:这里明显的误读了吧?译成:“其中一场是法国的奥德姆对垒Stoke市”应该可以吧?

-known hooligans: known 和well-known是有差别的。known应该是指已知的流氓球迷,或已上了警方黑名单的球迷。可参考Ramsfield的已知的已知名句

- attacking people:“骚扰”(harass)似乎不到位,至少也要用“攻击”吧?

- In the UK we have pro-active football legislation to deal with our hooligan problems:这句或可译成:“在英国,警方得益于本国的足球法规,可采取先发制人的手法来处理……”


我在译”Unfortunately, we have a my city"时,就想不出为啥“我们既然又是经验又是知识”,还唠叨“Unfortunately”,我怎么也想不通应该如何表达才不失原句含义。

我还是不明白“Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures".

"Oldham versus Stoke city", 翻译时,我想这”Oldham“和”Stoke city“都应该是地名,却没有对”versus“加以任何考虑。以致后来的"the last time these two teams had met"让我忧愁到现在。


“examiners' report" says the candidates showed a lack of knowledge of soccer world. 我查了好久,却毫无结果。

"European championship", "the Party of the European Socialists", "Euro'96"等,我从网上查到的。在考试时,不准上网,我是否应该现在就搜集各种Glossary?

[Edited at 2005-07-28 16:12]

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
din engleză în chineză
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Hi, Betty! Jul 28, 2005

Chinoise wrote:

其实,叫啥真的无所谓:) 。反正我跟Zhou Dan一般大,她认你这个妹,我也没不认之理:)。就叫俺Betty吧。


你和Zhou Dan一般大,说不定还是我妹妹呢。不过你们涉足翻译在先,我还是要称你们姐姐。





Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:41
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考试须知 Jul 28, 2005




Joyce Curran wrote:





[Edited at 2005-07-28 17:34]

Yi-Hua Shih
Yi-Hua Shih  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:41
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不好意思,插個花,下不為例 Jul 28, 2005

dear Joyce,


... See more
dear Joyce,



作完了功課才上來看你及各位前輩的原帖及留言,幫助我在還是沒查證資料前了解一下自己錯誤的地方。剛看到 Betty 說一個試卷不能超過三個錯、不然就下次再見,呵呵,看來要努力的路還很長。

發現我的譯文可能<太口語化>了,哈哈!其實我也沒進過立法院(議院)聽報告,還真不知道一般議員(台灣叫立法委員)的口吻會多官腔。不過老實說,我只管著埋頭趕譯,還真沒先想清楚這是議員的報告?還是某個情治單位主管的報告?(看了你後頭的補充說明才知道)所以在形式上是有點兒沒搞清楚,也只能夠就我看到的 plain 原文做最直接的翻譯而無暇做任何語意或文句的修飾了。


Mr President, Colleagues,

Firstly I would like to inform the House that the PSE Group welcomes this report and the measures in it intended to prevent the activities of hooligans and organised thugs at matches. We will, however, need to monitor the way these monitoring centres carry out their functions to ensure that the football community is fully engaged in the exchange of information. Most important of all is the need to ensure adequate resourced both in financial and personnel terms.


On Friday, I visited the football intelligence unit in Greater Manchester police service. Unfortunately, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in tacking football related violence in my city. The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”. On Friday, the unit was preparing for two key matches on Saturday. One of those was Oldham versus Stoke City: the last time these two teams had met, known hooligans had rampaged through the town, wrecking property and attacking people. In the UK we have pro-active football legislation to deal with our hooligan problems. This allows us to impose banning orders: so when a hundred of those fans arrived in Oldham, they were immediately arrested because they are banned from attending any matches. Those banning orders also apply to international matches.

Stoke City;上一回這兩隊碰頭時,已知的滋事份子在整個城裏到處作亂,破壞財物、攻擊人群。在英國,我們是有「預先防範足球賽滋事」的相關法令,來應付球迷鬧事問題。準此,我們能夠實施禁制令:如果有幾百個球迷群聚到Oldham,他們會馬上被逮補,因為法令禁止他們參加任何球賽。這個禁制令也同樣適用於國際性比賽。

The football intelligence unit has a sophisticated database of so-called “football prominents”, using the latest digital image technology to update and record cases. Let me tell you where the unit believes the EU information exchange system has to do better: 150 fans were deported from Charleroi in June 2000. among those arriving in Manchester airport were Belgian nationals, some of whom may not have been involved in hooliganism at all. Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism. A list of the deportees was then sent to the intelligence unit: very useful as far as it went, but the accompanying report contained no information. Officers could not read it because it was not in English, and they could not act on it because the information did not allow for any further action due to prosecution or conviction. During Euro ’96, German fans arrived in Manchester. As a result of German data protection and privacy laws, no list of known hooligans could be passed on to the local intelligence forces and the officers working in the unit therefore had no information accessible in a usable formant to tackle the hooligans. So there is an issue here in that we do need to standardise our information formats while recognising that there are different cultures on policing and information collection across the EU.


We need to deal with hooliganism pro-actively not re-actively. On the issue of cost, no doubt it would be useful to have a study on whether clubs should pay more for the policing of hooliganism. The difficulty is, however, who pays those costs after hours in cities where football hooligans are still engaged in activities.


In 2004 we will be hosting the final of the European championships at Old Trafford in Manchester. Our priority has to be to protect the law-abiding supporter and clamp down on hooligans who spoil the game, we need a practical, pro-active approach to information sharing for national monitoring centres. Their existence alone will not guarantee the end of football hooliganism. I therefore urge this House to adopt the report that we are discussing as it contains immensely valuable recommendations.

2004年歐洲冠軍盃決賽將在曼徹斯特Old Trafford城舉行,我們的首要任務是保護守法的球賽支持者,以及取締那些擾亂球賽的鬧事份子。國家監控中心需要有實際的、主動預防的手段,來執行情報分享工作。光有監控中心不足以保證終結足球暴力,因此我要促請議院採納我們所討論的這份報告,因為它提供了極有價值的諸多建議。

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
可是老兄! Jul 28, 2005

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

其實,你原譯的 "尊敬的院长先生,同事们," 我原則上是不會動它的,但如果是我由翻譯則會用 "院長、各位同事"、"主席、各位同仁" 或 "議長、各位同仁",那不過是個人偏好而已。"院長"、"議長" 其實都已是稱呼,實無必要再來個 "先生",評卷者有他的偏好,出題時應該先說明清楚。

至於 "尊敬的",我個人覺得無必要,但除非我有定稿權,否則我是不刪的。最令人受不了的審稿人就是那種譯者的每句話都要換言之的審稿人。

[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:31]




wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 12:41
din chineză în engleză
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One of the sentences Jul 28, 2005

>>> The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”.

I kind of skimmed through both translations(Joyce's and stone118's), and would like to share my opinion on the interpretation of the above sentence. (I'm tempting fate here since I'm not even sure this is welcomed)

... See more
>>> The Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has read this report and he welcomes the initiative in the light of what he calls “different standards in dealing, for example, with Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures”.

I kind of skimmed through both translations(Joyce's and stone118's), and would like to share my opinion on the interpretation of the above sentence. (I'm tempting fate here since I'm not even sure this is welcomed)

Anyway, please consider it for what it's worth:

IMHO, the Assistant Chief Constable welcomes this initiative mainly because of its potential of addressing existing issues such as different games having different standards in dealing with hooliganism. In other words, in light of the fact that inconsistent standards exist, the Assistant Chief Constable is in favor of the report. Perhaps the report even points out the problem of this inconsistency in standards and cites some of these games as examples.

One of the main thrusts of this short speech is advocating information sharing and the standardization of information formats, not only across the UK, but also across Europe(to the extent it could be implemented). So having non-uniform standards is not a good thing and is something that needs to be addressed as far as the constable and PSE Group are concerned.

In addition, a report like this is highly unlikely to propose different standards for different football fixtures considering the enormity of work involved for proposals of such a specific nature. Yet making such a proposal is essentially how both of your Chinese translations have interpreted this sentence, I believe(of course not in these words).

I'd say that my reasoning is mainly based on the English. But I also think this interpretation makes more sense according to the whole of the context.

I wonder what everyone else thinks?

[Edited at 2005-07-29 05:14]

[Edited at 2005-07-29 05:30]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 12:41
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
I was remiss not to say... Jul 28, 2005

that both translations were done very well.



BTW, I just found this out.

厉 just didn't look right to me, but that's what popped up when I typed
... See more
that both translations were done very well.



BTW, I just found this out.

厉 just didn't look right to me, but that's what popped up when I typed in "zaijiezaili". This morning I felt like editing it to 励 since that's the way I remembered 勉励. But apparently 人民网 is a higher authority on this type of thing.

[Edited at 2005-07-29 14:43]

Donglai Lou (X)
Donglai Lou (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:41
din engleză în chineză
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我来报到! Jul 29, 2005


1.June, 2000: 中文的习惯是2000年6月或二零零零年六月。
2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism
... See more

1.June, 2000: 中文的习惯是2000年6月或二零零零年六月。
2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism
3.A list of the deportees was then sent to the intelligence unit:
4.but the accompanying report contained no information.
5.Officer: 警员,译成办公人员可能也可以,
6.they could not act on it because the information did not allow for any further action due to prosecution or conviction
7.As a result of German data protection and privacy laws, no list of known hooligans could be passed on to the local intelligence forces
8.and the officers working in the unit therefore had no information accessible in a usable formant to tackle the hooligans.
9.we do need to standardise our information formats while recognising that there are different cultures on policing and information collection across the EU.

Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
din chineză în engleză
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換言之審稿人 Jul 29, 2005


Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


[Edited at 2005-07-28 15:31]

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:41
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两点讨论 Jul 29, 2005

Donglai Lou wrote:
2.Rounding up and deportation without prosecution does nothing to help the intelligence network on hooliganism

我对法律不熟,但一般不是先捉了,才起诉吗?如是,那就无所谓"rounding-up without prosecution”(未经起诉的情况下,围捕……)了,也就是说"without prosecution”的用意不在修饰“围捕”这一动作了。那么,是不是可以译成:围捕足球流氓并不加起诉就将其驱逐出境……”?

7.As a result of German data protection and privacy laws, no list of known hooligans could be passed on to the local intelligence forces


Donglai Lou (X)
Donglai Lou (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:41
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审译难 Jul 29, 2005

Libin, Ph.D. wrote:


Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
din chineză în engleză
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away fixtures - 客场比赛 Jul 29, 2005



Joyce Curran wrote:

我还是不明白“Manchester United away fixtures and England away fixtures".

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